Pregnant and Over Weight... My weight lose journey..xx

Hi everyone

Hope everyone is well!

I had a midwife appointment today and I heard babies heartbeat :) I have my scan monday so I will findbout if its a pink or blue eekk!!


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Hi ladies...

Had my scan on monday... after about twenty minutes I had t go for a walk to try move baby coz its jus laid on its stomach. But wen I went bk in 15mins later baby hadnt moved on its bk like they wanted.. baby kept movin its head side t side and kept puttin hands over its mouth and heart everything looks ok from what they cud see but we have to go bk on friday for them tondo a chest view of the heart and see lips so hopecully babies eother on its bk on there side.. im havin a girl :) im goin t ask again friday lol!!!
Carl went n brought this from asda its well cute!!!
Went to my consultant yesterday and everythig is fine my bp is perfect :)!
Im lookin forward to friday eeeekkk get t see her again

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Haha yep his I wanted a brother lol!!

Pickin a girls name is hard! I lile Harry and George for a boy!
Lucas is in his room now as of saturday im so proud which how its turned out! To thibk in feb it was a loft!!
All the bulit in wardrobes are ripped out of lucas old goin to get goin on that!!

Back at the hospital for scab tomorrow...I hope shes turned round!!!!!! If not prob have to re book again lol

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Ahhh a girl yey thats fab xxx

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Yeh im excited!!

Woke up this mornin feelin so sick :-( my sixkness stopped a bit now its bk again!!
Got my scan later so hopefully shes tirned onto her back!!

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Hi all!
Went baby shoppin sunday :) got a pram from mamas and papas we have an outlet shop near us so we got the urbo pram was a hell of alot of money and there was a 400discount but kindly sue n chris brought it.. the push chair and car seats red but got a purple carry cot...reds a very universal colour incase a willy is tucked awat I dint want black again like lucas!
We got a baby gate.. a model some sheets and a beddin set :)

Lucas breaks up from school on friday for Easter..his had a stay and play today and I love goin t spebd an hour with him!got his parents evenin tomorrow!

Hope everyones ok


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Hi all,
Had lucas parents evenin yesterday.. the recommend the kids be in the 30/50month bracket for reading maths and writing! Lucas is there in maths and readin his nearly there with hia writi they jus need more evidence.. without a doubt they said keep doin what were doin at home n in svhool and by september he will b there! Lucas started nursery at his school in Jan 2013 coz of where his bday falls so he will of done 18months his made me so proud. When he started he couldnt speak write and now he wont shut up lol and can write makes out sounds in words ia fab with maths I cnt believe how much hia come on!!
We sud find out nxt week wen his on his waster holidays if jis got into his school for reception ect I hope he has... he knows everyone ect thr other school os jus as good but he jud wont no anyone!

Weathers lookin good here hope everyones ok its extrememly quiet on here

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Lucas easter card on the egg hia drawn a monster on the top tryin t eat the spider on the bottom! His holdin a chick and then his written inside the card :D:D:D:D

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Doin his home work please excuse the mess on the table its become a place t jus put tue decoratin stuff!!!!

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My baby girl looks like shes suckin her thumb!!!! Xx

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Cute scan photo :)
And nice Easter stuff from your son....

Have you tested your pram? We went to mothercare and looked at the prams and mainly the travel systems. I was happy they let me test them and fold them up. I don't want to buy one I can't use. Red is a good colour, unisex. Red and purple were my wedding colours :)

Did your baby wiggle about lots at your scan? My 12 week scan baby wouldn't stop moving, they couldn't get the DS measurement cos it wouldn't keep still. I'll be gutted if my little bump sits still and behaves, I was very entertained last time :)

How many scan pics did you get. They cost £3 each here. But annoying.
Cute scan photo :)
And nice Easter stuff from your son....

Have you tested your pram? We went to mothercare and looked at the prams and mainly the travel systems. I was happy they let me test them and fold them up. I don't want to buy one I can't use. Red is a good colour, unisex. Red and purple were my wedding colours :)

Did your baby wiggle about lots at your scan? My 12 week scan baby wouldn't stop moving, they couldn't get the DS measurement cos it wouldn't keep still. I'll be gutted if my little bump sits still and behaves, I was very entertained last time :)

How many scan pics did you get. They cost £3 each here. But annoying.

Yeh hun we tested it, we put the adapters in and changed from car seat t carrycot t push chair put it up and dwn ect! I thought that about the red unisex incase she is really a he and if it is a he, he wi have t make do with a purple carrycot ha!!
Ours are 5pound and normally get about 3/4picures with that which is ok I guess! Yeh the first one she moved loads dint realise she moved jus that much lol and then for my second one she wouldnt move from her belly onto her bk lol!! At one point it was tho her hand covered up the picture it is soo lovely t see isnt it
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This is my beautiful girl!! Was doing some good acrobatics but managed to stay still for one good normal scan photo shot :) we are having girls!! Yay!
Was your placenta etc all in the right place? My friend had to go back as hers was too low. Mine was all normal. Apparently 1/3 of people it's too low and when they go back it has moved where it should be. I wish it wasn't so I could go back in a month lol!! I want to see her everyday, I wish there was an at home kit lol!!
Was your placenta etc all in the right place? My friend had to go back as hers was too low. Mine was all normal. Apparently 1/3 of people it's too low and when they go back it has moved where it should be. I wish it wasn't so I could go back in a month lol!! I want to see her everyday, I wish there was an at home kit lol!!

Im tellin u its the yr of the girls :) another lady I no shes havin a girl as well! Eeeekkk congratulations xxxx
Wen I was pregnant with lucas I had dangerously high blood pressure I was poorly so my placentas in the right place but they need to motor it thats y im on aspirin to keep my bp dwn and also extra vitaims to make sure everything stays ok this time. Its so I dnt develop preeclampsia.
I have a scan at 28 and 34 weeks.. thos is also for the growth coz I had an emergency c section with lucas coz he had group strep b they have to keep an eye on baby and the size, I have opted for a normal birth but if by 34 weeks they thibk babies lookin big the placebtas moved extra they will get me in for a csection with anitbiotics.
At first I was worried but my consultant up at the hospital was so lovely explainin it all havin me sobbin but she explained it all. If all is ok at 34 weeks ill b ok for normal birth but will b kept an eye on like anyone whose had a csection coz the scar tissue is softer.

Bet u wish u had never asked ;-)

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