Pregnancy Pregnant with baby number 2, need to stick to plan :) x


She looks so different in pictures lol xx
Omg so cute and makes me want mine out now!! :) xx
No because the hospital messed us about we didn't leave for 9 hours after we were told so noone visited us there and we got home at 9 last night so only me hubby my mum sister n bil have seen her x woke up this morning to a beautiful happy little girly xxxx
Bloody hospitals.. I know there's lotza ppl to be cared for but I hate when they say you'll be discharged by x time n leave you hanging around.. Though nice to have her all yourselves for the few hours..
Did you managed to get a good nights sleep? Or at least some sleep?
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She looks so different in pictures lol xx
OMG she is adorable.. Looks so big..
I do be amazed at how big a baby is when just hours before it was in someone's tummy... Blows my mind.. I can't get my head around it..
I actually dunno where she was hiding x my waters didn't break either until I was pushing her out x but the only water that came out was what was above her head x as her body came out so did her waters! Had a horrible time delivering the placenta nearly had to have surgery x but they gave me an extra half our as I just did the whole thing with no pain relief at all n that woulda ruined it :( luckily as the doctor came in my room I just finished delivering it do needed stitches but I didn't want them x but the tear wasn't too big and on the inside so I didn't have them xx
I actually dunno where she was hiding x my waters didn't break either until I was pushing her out x but the only water that came out was what was above her head x as her body came out so did her waters! Had a horrible time delivering the placenta nearly had to have surgery x but they gave me an extra half our as I just did the whole thing with no pain relief at all n that woulda ruined it :( luckily as the doctor came in my room I just finished delivering it do needed stitches but I didn't want them x but the tear wasn't too big and on the inside so I didn't have them xx

I told Jonathan last night about your waters n her being clean coming out so he said "well you do that then.. Don't go ruining it on me" Nice eh?! LOL
Fair play to you doing it all without pain relief.. I'm clenching just at the thought!!! She is so so beautiful
I'm not going to say it didn't hurt because I'd obviously be lying x but it was no where near as bad as I thought lol x when you hold the baby though n your all crying x you don't realise the pain xxx
She is beautttttiffuuulll!! :D :D So so gorgeous!! Ohhh I want cuddles lol :D

And Wow!!! Well done you lol 13lbs lighter?! get a baby...AND a stone weight loss all in one day?! Best day ever I think lol ;) :D xxxx
Haha x still lose a bit more I expect x cos obs still a bit swollen and losing blood for a few weeks x I'm letting hubby get asleep in x he's snoozing and the dog and Emily x so a bit of peace for me lol xx
Haha x still lose a bit more I expect x cos obs still a bit swollen and losing blood for a few weeks x I'm letting hubby get asleep in x he's snoozing and the dog and Emily x so a bit of peace for me lol xx
I was reading up last night on this... Apparently its normal to lose approx 11-13lbs after birth (not normal to be that amount down from PRE-PREG weight tho!!!) Then up to 6lb further down the following week.. And then 2-4lb down for the following 2 or 3 weeks after... By time you lose all the extra blood n fluid n excess muscle n placenta n stuff.. (I know obv the placenta is delivered but apparently little bits can be left..) And then muscles relax and the utuerus recedeing etc... So yea.. I'd say best part of another stone may be off over the coming month - 6 weeks...
8 weeks to go!

Ok don't panic is the first thing! How many days is she? Typically milk properly comes in day 3. However everyone is different. What makes you think your milk has gone? X
She was feeding for half hour n was still screaming my nipples were killing! So I tried to express with my hand but nothing was coming out x so I went n got formula x I'm still trying to bf but at the moment it's still not come in but the colostrum has gone x I do keep trying to help my milk come in and she does still latch on xx
8 weeks to go!

Ok chances are she just drained what you had! It's wont have gone completely, but you just can't see it! Try and bf her first every time she is hungry and when she has finished one side, pop her on the other. Then once she has finished there, if she is still hungry top her up with formula but try not to give her too much, 1-2oz is more than enough! The more she sucks the more you make. Can be hard work for the first few days but once your milk comes in properly (your boobs will be really full and you will look like Jordan-doesn't last though!) she will be more satisfied. Also, something I found helped was making sure I ate and drank enough-can be easy getting carried away with baby not to, but it is important. And getting enough dairy is important too! Xx ps. Have you got some lansinoh for your nipples? Best nipple cream there is, and apply it like it's going out of fashion!
I think it might be coming I'm not going to give up x ill keep trying x don't have any cream but starting to feel good so I'm going to pop into town on Monday just to boots and for a walk x ill get some x x