Lol that's exactly how I feel things will be .. Hubby's an only child so our children will be his mums only grandchildren x but at the end of the day if she does anything I don't approve of I'll make it very clear! Something's tells me she never really approved of me because he is no longer a mummy's boy and we have our own lives x she always tried to interfere with wedding plans but so far she's not really said much about the baby but she keeps knitting outfits which aren't very nice! Hubby told her we don't want knitted stuff but she's now even got her sister knitting horrible things! But at he end of the day it's a waste of time and money but we've already told her we don't want it! And then she tells us what names she likes or doesn't like x we don't care and we have our name picked and if she didn't like it we wouldn't change it
x ahh I sound like such a cow haha x but like I said she's my baby x I didn't wanna tell her went we go into labour because I don't want the whole world knowing until she's here x and when we told her we were pregnant (she rudely asked if it was a surprised!!!!) we told her to not tell anyone as I hadn't told my nan or anyone only parents and she told her sister and god knows who else! But we have to tell her when we go to hospital because we need someone to have the dog