thanks ladies..
im still none the wiser... although some more things have popped into my head. so we will see how those go...
ive been on the hunt for low fat snacks and such like. and found these crispbread things from sainsburys... so they will be good with a bit of low fat soft cheese.. (mmmm, this could become my new bagel LOL)
im still obsessed with bagels, and have to have them at every opportunity i can, but hopefully i can stay away from them. as they are not good for me, and with nutella and peanut butter on them, they are well out of the rules!!! so we HAVE to stay away from those.
picked up loads of snack a jacks, so hoping they will be ok for my snack in the afternoon...
and ive started writing out my response cards for the beck book, and i have been using them in the supermarket today.. was great

very pleased with my self...
also very chuffed with myself, i managed to not have any rich tea biscuits with the little girl i look after. i take her to the local gynastics centre and they open it up for children under 5, and offer free biscuit and juice (for the kids i think) but i normally have one with her.. but not today. i will powered!!! i am chuffed to bits...
i got some weight watchers caramel mellow things. (can anyone tell me if they are like the pink and whites ive heard about??) i had 2 of those (55cals each) on the way home, so that i didnt end up eating the little ones food as i was starving....
lunch so far (not on tablets yet and using up whats in the fridge) i had 3 of the crispbread things (like toasted english muffins but mainly full of air) with caramalised hummous (addicted to that stuff!!) and im just having a cd shake (to use them up before properly throwing myself at sw.. (seeing as though im going to be a consultant, i guess i should do it 100% lol)
ive just done Jillian's 30 day shred level one, and feeling fab today (as yesterday was a bad day food, and mentally...)
im going great today!!