Primal Eating and Intermittent Fasting - Phoenyx's Experiment of One...

Breakfast, 7.30am 2 boiled eggs, slice of chicken, peach, coffee and cream, indigestion from 2 squabbling kids...

Having a party for my year 12s today as I'm not teaching them next year. I know I won't be tempted by the treats, but not sure on how to explain why I'm not eating the cake etc.

I find it more than a bit distorted that, even though I'm overweight, I have to explain why I'm not eating junk. Surely it should be the other way round.
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Hmm - year 12s. Do you think they'll even notice you're not eating cake? Probably be too busy scoffing it themselves and obsessing about their own lives. ;)
Hope you have a good day:). Agree it should be easier to say that you are just eating healthily - but then arguments arise. I usually pick whatever works for that occasion (dont eat sugar, dont eat wheat, carbs etc). If i get a why - just say it makes me feel bad.

Really enjoyed sitting next to another person at party at weekend who eats this way (but doesnt call it anything). By the time we had both had very large servings of the freshly roasted whole lamb plus asked for all the fatty, crunchy bits we were feeling pretty content:) oh and there were fabulous salads too. Does it get any better!
I wish it was like that when I go to functions!

Turns out the y12 party was a great success and no problem for me food-wise. I brought some biscuits and lots of strawberries to the party - they wolfed the strawberries, and nobody noticed that I stuck to strawberries. The problem tends to come when they've baked a cake coz then I feel obliged to reward their efforts by trying some. Fortunately they didn't!
7.30am 2 boiled eggs, slice of chicken, peach, coffee and cream.

1pm tuna Nicoise (paleo style - no potatoes), 25g dark choc, strawberries

4pm black tea

6pm small soya cappuccino (less soya milk used in this than my fav soya latte)

7.30pm roast chicken (lots - both legs, a bit of breast and lots of skin), lots of broccoli

20 min "shredder" on treadmill (4 x 2 mins @ 12 min miles, 2 mins @ 10 min miles, 1 min @ 8.5 min miles
26 min kettleworx core DVD week 2

Sweated like a pig!

Was quite hungry and tired today (partly coz DD had a nightmare last night) but exercise helped suppress my appetite and keep me going for tea.

Note to self: if feeling tired / hungry after fast day, try exercise to provide a boost and get back on track.
I haven't done my exercise summary from last week or plan for this week. Here's last weeks summary

Mon 50 mins walking
Tues 25 min walking, 20 min running
Wed 50 min walking, 26 min kettleworx resistance week 2
Thurs 25 min run, 25 min walk
Fri rest
Sat 30 min walking, 20 min jog incorporating 8 x 20s sprints, push ups and plank
Sun Rest

Am quite pleased with that :)
looks like you're doing well.
aww poor DD,nightmares are horrid,was it a bad one ?
one of our FCs used to have the most awful night terrors,poor kid,was terrible to watch,but
he didn't remember anything the next day.
Exercise plan for this week

M rest (fast day)
T kettleworx core, 20 min shredder
W kettleworx resistance, wii dance
Th 30 min run with friends
F rest
S sprints
S crossfit burpees / skipping workout

i've not got my glasses on i thought the last one said croissant burps :eek:
9am coffee with cream, coconut chunks, water
11am coffee with cream, water
1pm Greek salad with smoked salmon
Black tea, water
5pm small soya latte, root vegetable crisps, coconut chunks
6pm plate of antipasto - olives, artichoke hearts, sundried tomatoes, Parma ham, avocado, drizzled with olive oil. 40g dark chocolate.

Exercise: sports day at school so lots of walking and a bit of running up and down! On my feet from 9am- 1pm without a break. v good for my low level activity!

Bit naughty today - definitely pushing the paleo boundaries! Very nibbly too. Need to reduce my meal frequency again. But fasting for a while from 7pm til some point tomorrow am do that'll help get me back on track.
I am stuffed! Its been weeks since ive had sugar. The cheesecake wasnt all that great - didn't live up to the thought of it! But it's done, I've had my little splurge. It was nothing like my binges of old, and I know I'll be straight back on track tomorrow! In the meantime, I'm getting in the bath now - its safer that way!!!
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I god Hun get in that bath x don't you just hate hungry days !!!!!
i had a chicken shish tonight,and usually i would hit the chocolate,but didn't
i guess we are able to make some choices.
hope the bath was nice.