Priya CD SS journey

Hey Priya,

You can do this! You can do this I think the heat has hit us all, I've drunk 6 litres but have this headache at the back of my skull and to the right of my head... ugh... Mondays is a tough day, start of the week et al.

Every day is a success and we will all get there

Hey aly this heat i like it but its actualy starting to annoy me i just feel reli like a puffa fish at the moment :/ its really not a nice feeling.

Drank four litres yestersya n three shakes n the scales not moved since yestersy but will keep at it it needs to be done just so want to see the 13s quite badly tbh :/ i would have thought being on liquids would make it easier ho hum hoping saturday wil be a lovely suprise i wont give up its waay too early to give up so will stick at it.

My waist does look tiny bit smaller and jeans were bit more comfier yestersay but i dont know im more of a scales person in a way suppose coz iv always gone by the scales oh i dont know. See how it goes got cystitis since last nightt cant really move due to the pain so wont be able to go to work today :( was up most of the night running to the bathroom every two minutes :/. Not impressed x
Heya keZa thanku i was glad that i made it past the weeknd as well but not happy got cystitis since last night it kicked in out of nowherre i dont understand why though as have drank so much water thought that would have been the last thing to have :/.

Cant move that much due to the pain not had much slee n the scales havent gone into the 13s as get urgh :/ dont get that at all cant tel if its bludy water retention coz of this dumb heat or what :/

Lucy ann dont think like that u have done so well and like u said u shud be proud of ur achievement :) u have done so well.

Uv done two weeks under ur belt already which is fab :).

Im trying not to think what wil go thru if i still see 14.0 on saturday im trying to convince myslef its impossible to see that on saturday when we are still three days away from that day so surely its bound to drop into the 13s even if its like by a pound or two :/.

Have to keep strong n going no matter what seeing bf tmorow convincing myself that i have to stick to a shake tmroow when see him no matter what no piece of grilled chicken or nothing going into my bellyy no way.

There is no way i am not giving this at least a month minimum x
SUmmer chic ur rite i can do this and its physiclaly impossible not to lsoe on 600 odd cals a day its just impossible not to :/ but cz of this heat i can tell if thats the norm or is it water retention or what :/ x
Day five bring it on and show me what u got while im dying with cystisi will be knocking water back to try and flush it out of my system.

Least wil be close to the bathroom today as much as want to go to work will be in dire pain and wont be able to concentrate :( x
Hope you feel
Better soon Hun and aren't in alot of pain for long. I'm at work until
God knows when tonight it's going to be a long one! Very tired already and just woke up lol. I can't wait for Wednesday to be over so then I know Ive got two days left. Haven't been on the scales today. I'm wondering whether the heat will regain water and weight but anyway keep going girlies we got this x
Yeah i know what u mean i know i shudnt get disheartened about the scales not moving and i know this wil work it has to or else it wil be just weird if it doesnt lol.

Maybe it is the heat i dont know see what the scales say tmorow as will be day six today will be drowing myslef with water n tetras etc in the hope that tmorow it will finaly budge fingers crossed and will be in cooler shade tosay as be at hoem ill but will keep curtains drawn n windows open and will have a cool shower xx good luck hun uv done great x
This quote is so true ❤️


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Morning all

Priya, sorry you poorly, get some much needed rest and you will be back on track, i totally know how you feel about being disheartened if the scales dont show a nice loss, that is exactually how i fely after my first weigh in but we have the carry on and keep trying some peoples bodys just hold on to the fat and water longer then others, the end result will always be the same we WILL be slimmer, healther and happier and it will all be worth it.

I try not weigh every day as if the scales havent moved i know ill get down and be more likely to cheat, but i do always get really nervous on weigh in day, hopefully this week i might come away from weigh in smiling and not crying like last week .... regardless i am in this for the duration so need to keep my chin up, pull up my BIG gorly panties and get on with it.
I know it has been mentioned on here but do you think its possible we are retaining water from the amount we are consuming and the extra hot weather, only i do feel a bit bloated this morning and its only early? ill be interested to hear if anyone knows for sure, that way i can prepare myself in case the loss is low again :)
ok so i did some online research and its true we will retain water in hotter weather and weigh heavier :upyours:

"Hot weather is a common cause of fluid retention. The heat causes blood vessels to expand, to encourage heat loss, and body fluid moves into the hands and legs as a simple result of gravity. This explains why the rings on your fingers become harder to remove on a hot, beach holiday, yet worryingly loose as soon as you jump in the pool."

Oh well at least we know x
Day five so my first shake is down it was a tetra and i mixed it with and ice and blended the stuff out of it. It was bit watery but hey thought would be better then just drinking it out of the carton.

Today due to cystisis will be aiming for five litres might aound like a lot but will space it oht throughout the day and also be in the hope that tmorow will show 13 something.

Kezza i know what u mean not to stand on the scales everyday as it can demotvate but at the same time especially the first week or two of a diet the anticipation to see if it will work is too much for me lol.

Its so weird how diets are so psychological arent they? Lol over the weeknd i thought maybe he soup will stall it now im thinkig are the tetras or the warm weather stalling the loss the big weeks weigh in that every one seems to talk about 6lb n plus ones.

I feel like im drinking enough but hence why today and tmorow will do a brief experiement n do 5 litres and see if that makes any differnece whatsoever if my cystitis is still hanging may not be able togo to work tmoro either but will see how i get on.

Just need to survive the first two weeks if i cna get thru them then will feel like can get theu the full 12 weeks.

Yes it needs patience and yes u need to be strong but the little feelings of frustration cant be helped either they automatically come to mind.

Its way to early give up so thats not even a option to even consider.

This is just the start n yes will miss eating with the bf but so long as i see him i will be ok with that 12 weeks sounds so long and i havent even finsihed week one yet n then the idea of what if im the only one that wont lose inches or weight in the 12 weeks the odd one out the broken one even tho part of my brain knows its imppssible not to lose on such low cals and all liquids.

Hope evry one is having a good day n much better then mine.

My belly looks bit flatter but then cant tel if its judt my mind playing tricks especially coz im still so early on i mean only day five priya stop imaginging things lolz.

Its so weird how mcuh will powrr n patience is needed in losing weight.

Sorry for the long and reflective diary lol x
Hi Priya

I totally get what you said about panicking i feel lke that too, like what if i dont loose any weight what if there is something medically wrong with me and im the only person my CC has seen who doesnt loose on the plan, i also worry that if i dont loose much she will think ive cheated and am lying to her about it, which would be totally pointless and i woudl never do ... im sure this is not going to happen to either of us but i get the worry.

Your so right with the will power and patience, something i dont normally have a lot of, i also think that it takes a great deal of mind over matter, its like your body is constantly wanting you to eat somehting nice and it takes a strong mind to say no i will have my shake/soup and be fine with that

Hope your feeling a bit better this afternoon, do you have any meds to help with the pain ?
Omg kezza i think exactly like the same like what if i dont lose n my consultant thinks im lying which would never do as its a lot of money to waste by cheating something which i cant afford right now.

My last cdc said the pill will still be effective on this vlcd so hoping she is correct lol.

Iv just finished my first 1.5 lite of water n belly feels like a water bed right now haha.

Sometimes i ask myself if i had to pick out of scales n inches which would i pick and of course i want both haha but reality would want to see inches gone as the scales have gone up n down over time but it frels like its been forevr since i saw noticeable physical changes in my arms face hips thigshs etc n gone down a size or two at leadt with scaels no on rneeds to know but sizing can be seen so yeah think would pick inches tbh but hey ho.

My hips n thighs r the widest part of me n so r my arms right now i need them gone like yesterday lol.

I get that i just want my son to be able to put his arms round me and hug me properly rather than a side hug type thing we do now, if i could loose some from my legs and arms too that would be great, although im really worried about baggy skin, i know its abit early to worry about that but i really dont want arms and tummy that look lke deflated baloons, any ideas how best to prevent this?

My aim is to feel comfortable and be able to wear a nice dress by christmas, i know that seems like ages away but i hate that every family photo i have im hiding at the back to cover my size and that when i look at all of the photos i have at home im not in them, i hate my picture being taken as i hate to look at myself, i want to cover my walls in pictures of me and my family and be proud to see them.
Heya kezza yeah i know what u mean this diwali and xmas i want to feel good about myself.

Saggy skin tbh everytime iv lost weight iv nevrt had saggy skin its sort of adapted with the body though have got some stretchmarks as skin has stretched over time.

Biol oil might be good for saggy skin maybe not too sure hun sorry maybe other might have other suggestions.

Iv nevr wanted visible loss as badly as this time round and thats probably coz iv just kept getting bigger over the past two years n tho i have lost near nuf two stones in the past two years i.e nine weeks before my birthday my body just didnt play catch up quick enuf with the loss on the scales n before i knew it the scales were bac up aagin.
thats great to hear re the skin, did you excercise the last time you lost?, i hate any form of excercise but am thinking maybe that what i need to do to help prevent the saggy skin, i will speak with my CC closer to the time.

I have yoyo dieted all my life but looked at the pictures friends had posted online from my 40th birthday and was horrified at how i looked in them, i remember looking in the mirror before i left the house and thinking that i looked quite nice, i must have gained 5 stone on the drive to the party judging by the pics.

Did your CC make you take pics in your underwear when you started?
Mine did and i have to say i feel sick looking at them, so in a way i guess they are a good personal motivator but there is no way in hell i am ever showing another living person those pics hehe
No she didnt she took pictures of me in leggings n vest so took my own in my underwear.

Got the feeling maybe she didnt feel comfortable but hey every one is diff.

My new consultant she sounds more ok with it as she said i can do weigh in with her in my underwear or little shorts n just bra on top whatevt makes me feel better so.

Awww hun i know what u mean pictures reli do make u sit up n realsie as i was the same not taken pictures in a long time n usualy just my faces n think only recenlty on a night out wich is rare but was cuzinz 18th went out n i looked terrible saggy bra no support as biggr the size the more expensive so dont have mmay bras n just felt like had no shape b my face was just like a round ball looked terrible felt like i looked oldert hen my age it was shocking n the realisation that i am pretty much a hermit i mobed to manchester thinking i can experience more of the city life but instead i come hoem n stuff my face in with rubbish saying today wil be thr last day it was terrble wasted so much money on convenince foods :( x reluctant to go anywhere apart from wokr n thays coz i have to to earn money n not for social elements.

My last flat before my current one had a evil flatmate who had her bf movin gin n i used to avoid the kitchen at al times n again used to feel obligated to be in my bedroom all the time n eat in there with food from outside as used to feel reli uncomfortable in the kotcjne arra was open plan so never could be away from them in there the awkwrds conversation n the feeling of being watched was horrible it teli effected me lot n whatever i used to say she used to ignore me n. Was just horrible bf even used to feel uncomfy to come visit me coz we used to feel stuck in my bedroom n when we used to get up close n personal used to have to try n be as quite as posible.

Now got my studio flat n i prefer it so much more and i can just relax fully instead of always feel like i was on guard al the time.

Hency why the foot long subways lol it got to a point where i had half my kitchen stuff in my bedtoom too like kettle n toastie maker etc as she was sly n used to use my stuff when i wasnt there n the weekends i usd to go home used to alwyas feel paranoid that they would go into my room as open plan flays nevr used to hahe lockd om bedtoom doors as fire regulations or whatever.

She nevr went home so nevt at no point did i evet have the flat to myself it was a horrible few months tbh she used to alwyas leave the door unloccked and used to lock me out by putting thc hain on and smooe indoors it reli was horrid living experience truly
OMG that sounds awful, thankfully i have never had to share a flat, im not sure i could im a private person and dont like people popping in unplanned, mainly coz the minute im home from work i get in to my cosy clothes (PJ's) and then veg on the sofa (hence the weight problem) if i had to stay in my room or had to share a bathroom with someone i didnt get on with i would stuff my face out of pure depression, sounds like your living arrangements added to your eating issues and i cant say i blame you, so glad you managed to get a place by yourself you sound much happier.

I feel just like you re the going out thing, i have grown to hate doing anything, group meals are the worst, i feel like every person at the table is watching what i eat and thinking that i should really not be eating anything at my size, and when christmas comes round and there are office parties etc, im constantly stressed and trying to find reasons why i can go, i dont think most people would appeciate the response i want to give which is... hell no i would rather go hame get in my pj's and eat crisps in front of the telly!

Hopefully this year it may not induce the panic, but im not holding my breath i think even if i was thin i would prefer a glass of wine and my kindle to a christmas party .
These two were my pictures of my works do the xmas thats just gone felt stuffy even at that point.

Hency why this time im so detetmined and i dont want to be on this plan forever as life is too short n it is for living and 12 weeks does feel like long enuf but if i do manage to get close to my target weight mite go bacm to 5/2 for a a few weeks to allow food back into my system.

The steps r encouraged by consultants but either way ur still paying to a business n indont want to constantly feel like im relying on that for the rest of my life.

I will however come back to it i ever find myslef 10-14 lbs above target weight to get rid of it.

So will always porbz use a vlcd as a safety blanket but still bear in mind that the cd is a business with independent consultants so they would like u to stay with them as long as possible as both support and a source income too.

But will see how i get on right now felt like i needed the support of a consultant hence why gone downthis road who knows where i will be in 12 weeks time hoping in a better place.



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