No she didnt she took pictures of me in leggings n vest so took my own in my underwear.
Got the feeling maybe she didnt feel comfortable but hey every one is diff.
My new consultant she sounds more ok with it as she said i can do weigh in with her in my underwear or little shorts n just bra on top whatevt makes me feel better so.
Awww hun i know what u mean pictures reli do make u sit up n realsie as i was the same not taken pictures in a long time n usualy just my faces n think only recenlty on a night out wich is rare but was cuzinz 18th went out n i looked terrible saggy bra no support as biggr the size the more expensive so dont have mmay bras n just felt like had no shape b my face was just like a round ball looked terrible felt like i looked oldert hen my age it was shocking n the realisation that i am pretty much a hermit i mobed to manchester thinking i can experience more of the city life but instead i come hoem n stuff my face in with rubbish saying today wil be thr last day it was terrble wasted so much money on convenince foods

x reluctant to go anywhere apart from wokr n thays coz i have to to earn money n not for social elements.
My last flat before my current one had a evil flatmate who had her bf movin gin n i used to avoid the kitchen at al times n again used to feel obligated to be in my bedroom all the time n eat in there with food from outside as used to feel reli uncomfortable in the kotcjne arra was open plan so never could be away from them in there the awkwrds conversation n the feeling of being watched was horrible it teli effected me lot n whatever i used to say she used to ignore me n. Was just horrible bf even used to feel uncomfy to come visit me coz we used to feel stuck in my bedroom n when we used to get up close n personal used to have to try n be as quite as posible.
Now got my studio flat n i prefer it so much more and i can just relax fully instead of always feel like i was on guard al the time.
Hency why the foot long subways lol it got to a point where i had half my kitchen stuff in my bedtoom too like kettle n toastie maker etc as she was sly n used to use my stuff when i wasnt there n the weekends i usd to go home used to alwyas feel paranoid that they would go into my room as open plan flays nevr used to hahe lockd om bedtoom doors as fire regulations or whatever.
She nevr went home so nevt at no point did i evet have the flat to myself it was a horrible few months tbh she used to alwyas leave the door unloccked and used to lock me out by putting thc hain on and smooe indoors it reli was horrid living experience truly