Ta very much! ) Glad to be on board.
I also plan to use the forum as a means of distraction and motivation - both are much needed! ;-) Its good to be surrounded by people who are in the same boat facing similar challenges! Also, it should help be divert my negative energy and stress that builds-up at work into venting on teh forum rather than seekign the comfort of food!
You're right - it is about the mindset - which is precisely my downfall! The nature of my work is that I regularly have to attend dinners - I get panicky about the thought of sabotaging the diet! For example, I was meant to start today but I know I have to go for a meal at a Korean place as part of work, so I have put off starting the diet until Saturday as I feel eating on Friday will ruin my programme. I know its stooopid but steering off the CD plan bugs me out! I knwo I need to work on makign teh best choices in a situation I can't control but ensuring that after that meal I get back on track. ((As I write this, I realise its simple and could do it if I really wanted)) :-s
Perhaps after all, I should start tomorrow! I have spare soups and cartons left from the start of the year which I hope to use up over the next week before signing up with a new CDC - a truly fresh start and different but successful approach hopefully.
aman x
I also plan to use the forum as a means of distraction and motivation - both are much needed! ;-) Its good to be surrounded by people who are in the same boat facing similar challenges! Also, it should help be divert my negative energy and stress that builds-up at work into venting on teh forum rather than seekign the comfort of food!
You're right - it is about the mindset - which is precisely my downfall! The nature of my work is that I regularly have to attend dinners - I get panicky about the thought of sabotaging the diet! For example, I was meant to start today but I know I have to go for a meal at a Korean place as part of work, so I have put off starting the diet until Saturday as I feel eating on Friday will ruin my programme. I know its stooopid but steering off the CD plan bugs me out! I knwo I need to work on makign teh best choices in a situation I can't control but ensuring that after that meal I get back on track. ((As I write this, I realise its simple and could do it if I really wanted)) :-s
Perhaps after all, I should start tomorrow! I have spare soups and cartons left from the start of the year which I hope to use up over the next week before signing up with a new CDC - a truly fresh start and different but successful approach hopefully.
aman x