Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

Thursday -

B'fast - weetabix (b) crumbled with ff natrual yog, strawberries, blueberries and kiwi

Lunch - baked stuffed pepper, filled with quorn mince, courgette, onion, mushroom and aubergine with salad

Dinner - veg and mushpea curry with ff greek yog

Snacks - 2x apple, strawberries and ff yog
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Friday -

B'fast - red grapefruit, blueberries, strawberries, kiwi and ff natrual yog and fromage frais.

Lunch - pasta quiche made with, pasta, 80% fat free cottage cheese, courgette, leeks and sugar snap peas and salad. Apple

Dinner - baked potato, homemade coleslaw and salad, mayo (3) hifi bar (b) hot choc (2)
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Sunday and Sat on plan - bar drinking Sat night, but had kepy syns low all last week so hoping not done any damage!

Lost 3lb last week so am very pleased, motivated and keen too loose more this week!!!

B'fast - bitesize shreadded wheat (b) strawberries, kiwi, blackberries, necterine and ff natrual yog

Lunch - salad box, cubed ham, hard boiled egg, new pots, 2x babybel light, lots of salad. Apple, ff yog.

Dinner - stuffed peppers with quorn mince and vegtables served with rice and 1 x babybel light (a)

Snack - hot choc (2), ff yog and banana with crumbled rich tea (2)
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B'fast - shredded wheat - (b), strawberries, blueberries and banana with ff natural yoghurt

Lunch - Salad box with hard boilded egg, 2x babybel light, cubed ham and 2 chopped new potatoes, 2xapple, ff yog and kiwi

Dinner - baked potato skins with spring onion, quark and 1.2 tablesppon philly light chive n herb and 1x babybel (a), (1) with tuna and sweetcorn and homemade coleslaw with mayo and greek yog and salad (2 for mayo)
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B'fast - red grapefruit, weetabix, (b) blueberries, banana and ff natural yog

Lunch - salad, homemade coleslaw and rice salad-spring onions, tomato, green pepper, white wine vinegar, 2xdairylea light

Dinner - tbc - meeting friend after work, really want to stay on plan and not feel guilty the next day!! well had 3 cocktails and 1 glass of wine - went for lowest possible syn type of cocktails. I really wanted to not drink at all, but she had gone to the effort to find a very s****y place to go and need cheering up! We then had dinner - again lowest syn option available, pasta with tomato sauce and side salad with olives. Am going to guess about 25 syns for the evening, which is kind of ok as I have had really syns all week will be really upset and frustrated though if I don't have a loss on Saturday now thought as been sooo strict and on plan all week.

Snack - rich tea (2) FF yog


B'fast - scrambled eggs and mushrooms, red grapefruit

Lunch - salad, baked potato, homemade coleslaw and rice salad

Dinner - veg curry and rice or stuffed aubergine - need to see as think I have quite a bit of veg to use up as going to my parents for the weekend.

Snack - kiwi
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Friday - booked day off work

B'fast - red grapefruit, scrambled eggs and mushrooms

Lunch - might make some more homemade coleslaw

Dinner - salad, bolied egg, cubed ham, chicken, homemade coleslaw with new potatoes, mayo (2)

Snack - necterine, kiwi, blueberries, ff yog
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Sat - redgrapefruit, dryfry egg, bacon all fat removed, wholemena roll (b)

Lunch - hamsalad with coleslaw

Dinner - pasta with clams and spag sauce, olives, house salad, 2 glasses rose

Snack - mellba toast and choccy philly, rich tera, choc biscuit


Weetabix, milk (b&a)

broccoli, leek and pea soup
roast chicken and ham, boild pots, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, teaspoon breadsauce
strawberries and muller light vanilla, spoonful of homemade apple and blackberry crumble

pasta and sauce with courgette and green peppers, ff yog, 2 x rich tea, babybell, 3 mambo sweers

B'fast - shreadded wheat bitesize, ff natural yog, kiwi, strawberries and necterine

Lunch - salad box - new pot x 2, 2x babybel light, cubed ham, hard boiled egg, homemade coleslaw, salad. FF yog, 2x apple

Dinner - veg and quorn mousakka with quark, egg and spoon of exl philly and cheese (a), (2) and salad

Snack - mug cake, 1 teaspoin flora light (1), ww hot choc (2), splenda, egg, tablespoon milk, vanilla essenxe with ff greek yog and strawberries, rich tea (2)
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B'fast - shredded wheat bitesize (b), ff natural yog, kiwi, strawberries, necterine and sweetener

Lunch - mug shot, salad box as per yesterday, apple x 2, ff yog

Dinner - stuffed peppers and rice with tomato, onion and mushrooms, 1 babybell (a)

Snack - frozen banana and ff grek yog, with crumbled rich tea (2), 1 small carrott
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B'fast - sweet omlette, strawberries and ff greek yog with splenda

Lunch - salad box, with boiled egg, ham cubes, homemade coleslaw (1), 2 babybel light (4)

Dinner - butternut squash, courgette, mushroom, orange peppers, onion, garlic, pasta sauce made of philly exl (a), philly garlic and herb light (1), quark and stock.

Snack - ham and carrott, hot choc (2), rich tea (2)
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B'fast - kiwi, strawberries, necterine, 2 crumbled weetabix (b) with ff natural yog and splenda

Lunch - salad with, ham, boiled egg, new potatoes x3, and 3 x laughing cow light, (a) apple, ff yog

Dinner - baked potato, tuna and sweetcorn, mayo (2), chicken and sweetcorn, mayo (2) and FF greek yog, salad.

Snack - rich tea
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B'fast - 2 leek and rosemary sausages, scrambled egg and plum tomatoes

Lunch - salad, hard boiled egg, baked potato and 3 babybel light (a), apple, necterine, ff yog

Dinner - quron chicken katsu and rice with sugar snap peas

Snack - red grapefruit, rich tea (2)
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Been off sick with an upper respiratory infection. So not really been eating anything this week bar porridge and wheatabix. Lost 1lb but not through being on plan. Am 10.9.5 now I think so 1.5 till I am back at my target weight. Would then like to loose 3-5 more lbs before my holiday in October. Will take it steady though. Have enjoyed sticking to plan and trying new things the past few weeks.
Dinners for week -

Monday - quorn meatballs and spaghetti
Tuesday - if tesco delivery arrives on time - stuffed marrow and sf veg
Wednesday - at my mums
Thursday - qourn mousakka or else stuffed marrow and sf veg
Friday - SW sweet and sour chicke and egg fried rice
Saturday -

Lunches for the week

Tuesday - salad box and maybe leftover meatballs
Wednesday -
Thursday - baked potato and beans with salad
Friday - soup?

B'fast - 2xcrumbled weetabix and natural FF yog with strawberries, kiwi and necterine

Lunch - left over veg curry, apple, tropical fruit salad, apple, ff yog,

Dinner - quorn and sf veg meatballs with spaghetti, melted cheese (a)

Snacks - 2xrich tea (4), hot choc (2), frozen banana and ff yog
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Plan for Tuesday

B'fast - 2xcrumbled weetabix, ff yog, strawberries, kiwi, necterine, red grapefruit,

Lunch - salad box with cooked chicken, new potatoes and 1 mini babybel light, 2xlaughing cow light, apple, muller light,

Dinner - stuffed marrow - quorn mince, tin tomatoes, mushrooms, courgette and onions served with rice mixed with left over stuffing mix, salsa (1),marrow flesh and peas

Snack - 1 babybel light (a), ff yog, carrott, spoonful couscous - tasting, 22g bag of mini cadbury fingers (5)
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Plan for Wednesday

B'fast - necterine, strawberries, kiwi, 2xcrumbled weetabix (b) and ff yog, pear

Lunch - salad box with chicken, new pots, 2xbaby bel light, ff yog, applex2

Dinner - pasta with calamari, (4 - oil?) tomatoes and chilli, salad, banana bread (3)

Snack - babybel light (a), olives (3)
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B'fast - couscous with muller light and banana

Lunch - salad, couscous with peppers, onion and courgette, ff yog, kiwi, apple

Dinner - aubergine and tomato bake topped with cheese (a) left over stuffed marrow

Snack -hifi bar (b) raw carrott
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Plan for Friday

B'fast - porridge made with water and ff yog and strawberries and banana

Lunch - left over couscous with courgette, onion and pepper and salad, pear, fruit salad - strawberry, kiwi and necterine

Dinner - SW sweet and sour chicken and egg fried rice

Snack - rich tea (2), strawberries and merguine nest (3) and ff yog
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