Puggso_32 - Plodding along

No no no, Stephen, please don't feel insulted, Johnny Vegas is gorgeous... Apparently, he is 80% of the female populations "yes I actually would". :D

Have a great day petal. x

Yep - I definitely would.

1 down :D

30.5lb in total since joining WW! Dunno why but getting past 30 feels like a big deal, more than getting the last silver 7!

Well done Mister! Great work - what a huge achievement :)
Yep - I definitely would.

Well done Mister! Great work - what a huge achievement :)

Just for you bizarre people then


For dinner (which I think I may bring back up!);

TLC Chicken Tikka - 7.5
Brown roll from Tesco - 2.5
Jelly - 0

10 so 18.5 so far today
That disturbs me on so many levels....
That disturbs me on so many levels....

Me too, I wish I could bleach my eyes!

Excellent! ;)

Well done on that 1 off and for the 30.5 total... How brilliant is that!! You really are a star!!

Calm down!!!!!

And thanks, really happy with it! I have lost overall over double that but it is how quickly it happened that I am delighted about!

Walk to band - 2 earned
Toast - 1
Crispbread - 2
Yoghurt - 0.5

20 for the day, 2 saved
I really do think you have done an amazing job, you are an inspiration to us all. Your pictures are so different to each other, you look so much happier on the recent one compared to the Johnny Vegas one :)D) - It's absolutely brilliant seeing someone who has done as well as you have!

Congratulations on losing 1lb this week and getting passed your 30lb weight loss, thats a great achievement, have seen the new photo and you have lost more weight off your face, you look different with each picture, love the bizarre photo of Johnny Vegas couldn't stop laughing
Cheers :) MY face was the last place - personally I felt - that started showing weight-loss and it was starting to get to me! But then it suddenly started dropping quiet a bit and hopefully that will keep going.

I wont lie, I quite like this jaw I seem to have found :D

Porridge - 3
Toast - 1
Yoghurt - 0.5

Soup - 3
Crisps - 1
Tomatoes and jelly - 0
well i think you look incredible.. and that pic of johnny vegas... i don't even have the words. i had to keep looking at it.. bit like a car crash...

well done on the 30lbs babes :) you're doing so so well :D

i have joined the sw lot :D hopefully going to stop myself becoming even more enormous. this baby has a lot to answer for :D

abz xx
Laughing so loud!


To be totally honest, going from your picture, I would have been all over you like a rash and probably cried myself to sleep every night because you wouldn't accept my flirting.
A list of my top ten most fanciable men: Johnny Vegas, Peter Kay, James Corden, Ron Atkinson... My friends call me a chubby chaser!

pmsl what are you like Nikki :rolleyes:
I mean James Corden I draw the line at he's a bit rough lol
To be totally honest, going from your picture, I would have been all over you like a rash and probably cried myself to sleep every night because you wouldn't accept my flirting.
A list of my top ten most fanciable men: Johnny Vegas, Peter Kay, James Corden, Ron Atkinson... My friends call me a chubby chaser!

These days not a hope in hell then? :flirt2: :p

Pasta - 6
Sauce - 1
Garlic bread - 2
Toast - 1
Dutchbread - 2
Yoghurt - 0.5

21 so far
I wouldnt mind james corden, bit annoying but looks wise i dont mind, my ex was a big'un anyway ahaha
Bloody chubby chasers! *eats whole cake!!!!*

Ok maybe not, toast instead for 1 to take me to my 22 for the day ;)

To be totally honest, going from your picture, I would have been all over you like a rash and probably cried myself to sleep every night because you wouldn't accept my flirting.
A list of my top ten most fanciable men: Johnny Vegas, Peter Kay, James Corden, Ron Atkinson... My friends call me a chubby chaser!



Don't know what to say to that :p James Corden, I can *kind of* get as he's very funny (did you see his sport relief sketch), but uuuuurgh.

I'm a geek freak. All my weird ones are people who play geeky characters like JD from Scrubs, Flight of the Conchords, Michael from My Family and so on. But my number 1 is Ben Barnes, om nom nom.


Don't know what to say to that :p James Corden, I can *kind of* get as he's very funny (did you see his sport relief sketch), but uuuuurgh.

I'm a geek freak. All my weird ones are people who play geeky characters like JD from Scrubs, Flight of the Conchords, Michael from My Family and so on. But my number 1 is Ben Barnes, om nom nom.

How have we gotten on to talking about men we all like on my bloody page?!?!?! :p

Although I'll admit I dig the geeky chicks too! Can't beat me some Kari Byron or Kerry from 8 Simple Rules (yup...not Bridgette).

...I think it's a red-head thing with me!

Anyway, I have woken up...at half 6 on a Saturday. So I am gonna go out a jog!