cheers everyone for all the hugs

- cant believe it - finished the test with 20 minutes to spare and pretty confident I got almost full marks - there was only one question i was unsure on and thats because the test rules said you shouldnt include measurements, pounds and pence etc.. and one question didnt give an indication of how i should enter the answer (answer was 5p but wasnt sure if I should put 0.05 or 5 - it just said how much does each business card cost to produce? So i put 5p..
ah well, passed anyway so I am very pleased
Helen, car was in garage as when I was in wales the remote locking was intermittently deciding to work - it still is - sometimes i can lock/unlock from a few metres away, other times i have to be stood right next to the car, other times I have to walk around it waving the key fob angrily and shouting before it works.. of course it went into the Evans Halshaw garage today and "we're sorry Miss Craven, theres nothing wrong with it"
oh, thats nice of you. I've been without a car from 9am this morning, you say it was checked and finished with by 11:30, so when I had a test this afternoon I had to go out in the rain to get a bus, get soaked, pay almost 3 pounds for the bus fare for a 45 minute journey into town (thought I would die - bus driver crazy!), then walk after the test to the metro, pay a further 1.40 to get to the gateshead stadium then walk in more wet, freezing cold conditions to come and personally ask you if my car was done as you refuse to answer your phones when I ring and I find I could have had my car a total of 4 hours ago and I wouldnt have had to pay for any ridiculous, badly driven public transport.. but could you ring me? NO!
And just to top it off, there are millions of you wandering aimlessly around the place and yet I had to stand 20 minutes this morning before I could hand over my key, and another 15 when I came back to be told you've kept my car for a whole 6 hours and done buggar all to fix the problem I'm obviously making up - you TW*TS!
the numeracy test is one of three skills tests that i have to complete - I have to prove a certain level of proficiency in numeracy, literacy and ICT before i can be recommended for QTS
now to revise for my ICT test at 09:45 tomorrow!
ooh and going out tonight to the Grainger Rooms in Newcastle to celebrate Mattys new job - he's gotten a job within the NHS so is no longer on temporary agency work - bye bye 6 quid an hour, hellooooo starting wage of 20 grand
soooo pleased for him
I have been attempting to save a few points for tonight but I dont know what it is, but I'm always mega fidgety and want to eat everything when I do! Implant is making me spot constantly atm too, so i'm irregularly irritable, munchy etc.. well, i say irregularly but more than usual anyway and i'm finding it really difficult to monitor my moods / eating so i dont completely mess everything up!
food for today:
B - oatsosimple apple and blueberry with alpro soya light (3)
L - batchelors l.f. chicken soup (2) 4 crackerbread (1) ham (1)
T - grainger rooms
S - 8 crackerbread (2) philadelphia light (0.5) ham (0.5) monster munch (2) rowntrees randoms (2.5)
total: 14.5 points leaving me 8.5 to make a rather small dent in the 3 course meal i WILL be having, regardless