Rach's Weight Loss Diary

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Well done hun, you're well and truly back on track!!
cheers all, Rach, the chestnut torte went down really well with Matty and his family but I REALLY didnt like it! :(

i have however, made scotch eggs tonight as well :D they work out at 7.5 points each but they were sooooo worth it - so much nicer than shop bought ones!

Made 6 scotch eggs using:

- full pack sainsburys sausagemeat (28) - going to try some alternatives to get this down next time.
- 6 boiled eggs plus 1 beaten egg for dipping purposes (10.5)
- 2 slices bread, blitzed for crumbs (3)
- 3 points worth of plain flour
- salt, pepper and thyme for the sausagemeat seasoning (0)

total: 44.5 points = 7.5 per scotch egg.

attached a picture as I am sad and very proud.. wondering whether I should facebook it..


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That looks like the mother of all scotch eggs!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds yummy rach-with the sausagemeat-ages ago when i went to sw classes they had a recipe for scotch eggs using low fat sausages that you just slit the skin and scraped the meat out so could you pos try this ?
that would be fab.. i never thought of that - thanks Jane! :D
only snag might be it could work out expensive-i cant remember how many sausages gave you enough meat for one egg,but i'm sure you could work that out. Have fun with your sausages !!
Never mind Delia or Nigella you will have a cookery book out next!
Could just eat a scotch egg right now....but havnt got any:( x
haha that looks soooooo cool! i could try duck eggs much cheaper though i reckon.. :D or those blue eggs which apparently have a lovely taste :)
Om nom nom, if the low fat sausage type work let me know so I can them. They look really tidy (as in neat, not slang for awesome).. impressive. I photo food I'm proud of too :p
Hey you, your scotch egg looks scrummy!!! Did you have fun at the cinema? - I havent been since we went FAME - really must get out more LOL. Wish this weather would sort itself out so I can start planning to get my social life back on schedule - still havent been down to London, had James up or you down or my my mum and dad - feeling very blue and lonely at the mo - Am one of those sad characters that needs dates on her calender and live for the next social highlight of my life - get very down if I dont have anything - which at the mo I dont :cry: Miss you!!! Hope your doing okay and coping in this weather. Hows your new car - are you braving driving it in the snow and ice?

PS Have you received R4's yet?
Sains low fat sausages currently at 99p (half price) in our Sains as bought 12 packs ready for OH's return.

Proud of the domestic goddess in you Rach

Om nom nom, if the low fat sausage type work let me know so I can them. They look really tidy (as in neat, not slang for awesome).. impressive. I photo food I'm proud of too :p

I will let you know - its curry night tonight (i'm cooking again) but when the scotch eggs come around again I will let you know how they go :)

Hey you, your scotch egg looks scrummy!!! Did you have fun at the cinema? - I havent been since we went FAME - really must get out more LOL. Wish this weather would sort itself out so I can start planning to get my social life back on schedule - still havent been down to London, had James up or you down or my my mum and dad - feeling very blue and lonely at the mo - Am one of those sad characters that needs dates on her calender and live for the next social highlight of my life - get very down if I dont have anything - which at the mo I dont :cry: Miss you!!! Hope your doing okay and coping in this weather. Hows your new car - are you braving driving it in the snow and ice?

PS Have you received R4's yet?

Yes, got the R4's the other day - they are tonights "to do's" - currently googling to see where I went wrong the first time!

I'm still driving around in the car yeah - I'm pretty snow-conditioned now so it doesnt phase me much - I just know to give myself extra time, be gentle on my brakes and give people extra space incase i slide a bit :)

Miss you loads too - this weekend I'm spending with Matty as we're both off now (and his footy is monday night :p) and next I think I'll be in London visiting a couple of friends.. but any weekend after that I would be free if you'll have me? :) x

Sains low fat sausages currently at 99p (half price) in our Sains as bought 12 packs ready for OH's return.

Proud of the domestic goddess in you Rach


i know, I picked up some of them and some of the sainsburys bgty ones (which are lower calorie / sat. fat than the weight watchers ones.. AND cheaper!) so will try them next time :)

Today I am off to a diploma conference this afternoon - I get a certificate for going which isnt too bad.

My mentor for my new school (I'm based in Cramlington this placement) rang this morning while i was still in bed. Being the very articulate woman I am, I made a t*t of myself within about 30 seconds.. he laughed at me as I had sent an email regarding what I could wear and my hair colour, as I know some schools have varying thoughts on both and I wanted to make sure I turned up presentable.. he thought it was amusing that I had asked if low-lights were okay (its what I have - is that amusing to you?) and if it would be acceptable to wear a smart top with black trousers rather than a suit..

he said he had never had an e-mail telling him what a student was wearing before.. :eek: I laughed but I am still bright red now and he rang at 9am!

My student friend from TH (my last school placement) has gone to a place called Emmanuel in Lobley Hill which is very strict - they've asked her for a primary meeting today in which she must provide all her educational certificates, a CV, her teaching file, 2 forms of identification and her CRB check in paper format.

I was thanking the gods that wasn't me as I couldnt provide all my certificates or an up-to-date CV on such short notice! I have already started drafting a new CV for such purposes just in case - I have an extra day off too as all the other students begin a day later.. so he said he wanted me to take tuesday off to go shopping - this is where I made an idiot of myself and exclaimed "Shopping?! I love you already!" and laughed.. only to be greated by the most awkward silence ever..

..bad move Rach, bad move! :D :( LOL!

anyway, food for today:

B - 3 slices toast (4) cottage cheese (1)
L - something from greggs
T - curry - not pointed yet!

Oh god that sounds so much like me!!
Probably made his day really - just didn't want to say so...

Sounds like the cooking gods have descended on you - not a fan of scotch eggs I have to say - why are they even called scotch eggs???Are they actually Scottish? - but yours did look like nice eggs. xxx
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