Well the scotch eggs are all gone now. Worked my bum off at spinning tonight, and now have a bit of a headache - think i might be a little dehydrated so I'm necking the water to see if it helps
yesterdays final plan was as follows:
B - oatsosimple and alpro soya light (3)
L - chicken breast (2.5) cabbage, carrots (0) sweetcorn (1) 2 small pieces parsnip (0.5) stuffing (1.5) 2 yorkshire puddings (2) gravy (1)
T - mediterranean chicken stew from the new ww book made with breast instead of thigh and without the potato in it (2.5) 80g mixed veg (1) 150g potato (1.5)
S - apple (0.5) quaker oats granola bar (1) half a slice of toast w/ 25g ww cheese with onion and chives (1) 3 slices wafer thin turkey (0.5)
total: 19.5 points
todays menu:
B - oatsosimple with alpro soya light (3)
L - 2 slices wholemeal bread (3) cucumber, lettuce (0) 3 slices wafer thin turkey (0.5) quavers multibag (1) apple (0.5)
T - 7 sainsburys vegetable dunkers (4.5) 1/2 tin baked beans (3)
S - quakers oatmeal granola bar (1) 8 crackerbread (2) w/ 25g ww cheese with onion and chive (0.5) cucumber (0) homemade scotch egg (4.5)
total: 23.5 points
45 mins spinning earned me a nice 7AP as well.. not feeling hungry just yet but you never know, might have a munchie attack a bit later! Nice to know I have a few more points to eat if i need them
tomorrow is my last day off before i start at school - got a few errands to run - after almost a full month of living at Mattys parents I do believe we are going home.. YAY! I do like the convenience of a lot of things when at his parents, but last night I was ready to break someones arm in a fit of temper!
His dad and mum have a home business but it requires a lot of travel - his mum mainly does the numbers side while his dad travels and does the general day to day stuff.. anyway, on sat as most of you know I did a decent amount of cooking.. the scones, scotch eggs, mediterranean stew etc.. I only made 6 scones from the recipe and there are 5 of us in the house - though little bro is uber fussy so he wouldnt have one. So anyway, I made these scones and we all had one with tea.. when dad announces theyre really nice and hes going to take the other two for his bait on sunday.. well, nice to know he liked them enough to want to take them, but i believe the correct phrase is "oh amazing Rachael, may I please take the extra two scones for my bait seen as you paid for the ingredients and spent all the time making them" (or something to that effect would suffice!

but no.. he's taking them. He then helped himself to 2 scotch eggs.. not a problem, i'd only eat them all myself and I did make them for testing purposes rather than anything in particular.
"Rach, wrap them scones up in foil for me" - again, annoyed that he doesnt seem to have any manners at all - is a simple please that difficult? But i let it go.. wrap them like he says and put them in his bait bag.
Anyway, next day he strolls in around 6pm and as I hadn't been told what time he would be in for, tea was on but was going to be about 15-20 mins as i had just come back up from Darlington from seeing my mum.
"Oh for gods sake, whats a man gotta do to have a decent meal on the table when he comes in from work? You'll have been lazing around all day doing sweet F A as usual i assume.."
well no, actually.

I got up this morning at 8:05, only 5 minutes after your youngest son had left for work, to find dried dog sick all over the carpet. Now, isnt that nice of your son to leave that for me or OH to clean up? And yes, as you can see, its not come out of said carpet even though i was on my knees scrubbing for well over 15 minutes. So that put me initially in the bad mood this morning. He also never thought to feed the cats, so I had to do that as well, walk the dog as she wasnt well, and then had to take dog with us down to darlington as she was badly. Not complaining about the dog as it was hardly her fault but the unfed cats thing did annoy me.
So anyway, back to the food. I ignored his comments about food as he would only get a shower anyway and have to reheat it as he whinges food isnt ready but then doesnt sit to eat it cause he wants a shower or a wash or whatever.. hes a pain in the arse at times if i'm honest.
BUT.. he then marched up to me and prodded me dead hard in the arm. "Them scones were disgusting. You would have thought you'd be clever enough to think I might want them buttered".
Well, I can honestly say, yesterday I had a mad moment. Almost like my hysterical food day a few months back, but more like.. psycho if you dont move i'm going to stab you in the testicle with this butter knife you selfish a**h*le!
Matty actually had to grab my arms as my hand found a butter knife and I just seemed to propell myself towards him
Tea was lovely - it was eaten in an incredibly awkward silence.. no apology from dad, but of course, all unstable Rachael's fault so no need!
Matty very wisely took me out to see Daybreakers at the cinema.. well, I say wisely but I am incredibly nervous when it comes to jumpy films and although it was a fantastic film, I was incredibly jumpy and left the cinema breathing heavier than normal with very sweaty palms and of course had cold sweat nightmares about the starving old vampire man with the sign around his neck chasing me..
so yes, all in all yesterday was an interesting day and I was very pleased with myself that I stayed within my points
speak of the devil, my favourite dad has just appeared - but I am feeling calm and he hasnt spoken to me, and the only thing I have to hand is the iPhone, and i would never use that as a weapon for fear of breaking it - its my second love! I do however have those APs to use if I need a glass of wine to calm my temper.. though i may put it in a plastic glass.. who knows what I might do?
over and out!
oh btw, i lost a pound - almost forgot in the psychotic moment!