Rainbow is leaving SW again! x

Yay!! Come bk to us lol
Right lets cause havoc lol
Yeah rainbow, how you getting on with lighter life? x
right well Im back, thanks for trawling this back up, what page was i on, dare i ask? LL is going well thanks, have found it soooooooooooo much easier than i thought i would, i know i'm only one week in and have a long way to go! Fingers crossed for me people, have fist weigh in tonight so will fill ya all in on it once im back (bout half nine ish) x
Good luck with your WI i am sure you will be back telling us you have lost7lb or more and rubbing it in!!
well I know Ive lost at least 7lb cos we had a pre weigh in on tue night to swap any flavour foodpacks that we didnt like. i might have lost 7 lb but you guys HAVE eaten in the last 7 days havent you?! you cant make comparisons with VLCDs and SW! xxx
well I know Ive lost at least 7lb cos we had a pre weigh in on tue night to swap any flavour foodpacks that we didnt like. i might have lost 7 lb but you guys HAVE eaten in the last 7 days havent you?! you cant make comparisons with VLCDs and SW! xxx
I expect to loose 2lb a day like i did on cd!
I no its not going to happen.
Fingers crossed for you hun x
be nice though would it!! x
You are doing well - Im so jeaous of ya quick WL!?X
well i lost, dum, dum, dum (that was a drum roll btw) 9lb last week! Not bad ey, not bad! xxx
Wow well done! That's more than I have lost all year!

lol, no way hehe. it defo works and Im so glad Ive given it a try as i was always convinced it wasnt 'for me' shows how wrong i was! I know its early days, but PMA and all that x
thanks mate, im not trying to convince you or anyting, but have you ever tried anything similar? cos i honestly thought id never be able to do it and I can lol x
I just know me hun, if you tell me I can't have something it makes me want it more! Also it wouldn't agree with my training