two random things happened today..... I had just got in from work and was pottering about (saw blue flashing lights go past our house but thought nothing of it) and then someone knocked on the door and tried the handle to open it (they couldnt cos it was locked) but it was a paramedic...... and he said 'have you phoned an ambulance?' and iw as like, 'erm nope' it turned out it was number 2 xxx road rather than us, which is 2 xxx road, xxx court, its very confusing as we have the same postcode. The second thing didnt actually happen to me, it happened to Vince. He was on his way home from work, turned down our road and as he was doing so someone pulled out of the junction (Vinces righ of way as other bloke was pulling out of a side road and Vince was turning off it) they then ran into the back end of his car, Vince stopped put his hazards lights on, got out..... and the bloke drove off!! aaaagggghhhh xxx