I really appreciate all the supportive comments I get - this really is the closest thing to 'face-to-face' support that I think you can get.
I've taken the advice on board and today (so far) I've been quite kind to myself. I even took a good long look in the mirror and FORCED myself to think about something positive I could see.
I accept I may have some positive character traits (when I make a friend I seem to keep them - that must say something) but I find it exceptionally difficult to see anything nice in myself physically. It's true to say that, recently, whenever I've seen myself in a mirror, I've been disgusted: all I can see is a hideous monster. I have convinced myself that I'm one of life's very ugly people (beautiful inside maybe - but people don't see your insides when you first walk into a room!)
And in my merciless mirrored shower, the only thing that I can see is my stomach - I don't even look at my face - just that huge belly. Like some sort of huge parasite, it has taken over my perception of myself ... all I can see is a huge belly with legs!
Anyway - I digress ... I looked in the mirror today in a non-critical but factual sort-of-way and the positive things I can say are:
* For my age, my skin is pretty good: quite smooth with only a few laughter lines (I put it down to loads of water

- thanks CD!)
* My hair is also in pretty good nick - no split ends and quite shiny.
* My ears are quite neat (Ok - that's scraping the bottom of the barrel but this is supposed to be an exercise in positive thinking

* My finger nails are fab. Shiny, strong and healthy.
Those are about the only positive things I can say about my physical self - but it's a start!
Diet-wise, so far today I've had a CD shake for breakfast and for lunch, I had a whole tin (small) of mixed bean salad, and a whole small tin of tuna, mixed together topped with a squirt of sweet chilli sauce. Instead of ignoring the nutritional content or looking at it afterwards and my jaw hitting the floor, I looked beforehand.
Altogether, it came to 300cals. Now, with my CD head on, I'd go into a blind panic because on SS you don't go over 550 and I've already had way over 400 in just two meals but here's where I need to take my CD hat off and see that what I've had is a good, healthy, low cal day so far.
I'm off to the shops later to get some veg and chicken breasts in ... if I fail to plan then I plan to fail. Think I'll have a chicken breast braised in lemon sauce served with steamed veg for dinner ... and a Freddo for a indulgent nibbly treat tonight.