I am so angry ... in fact I'm fuming.
My sister came round earlier and brought a 'friend' with her. I won't go into too much detail but she's hung around with heroine addicts in the past but has promised she doesn't anymore. Anyway, months ago, she came to my house with one of these addicts and I was pretty bloody angry about it. I just didn't want anyone 'casing' my house for nickable things. I told her later how I felt. I stupidly thought she wouldn't do anything that idiotic again. WRONG!!!!
Today, she turned up with this young bloke 20 years her junior. He was a bit rough looking and wore a baseball cap - I was instantly on edge. She told me his name and said he had been a friend of her son James (my nephew who died).
They stayed a couple of hours after which I went to my youngest sisters house to say I was uneasy about what had happened. We spoke to a mutual acquaintance who knew the circles James moved in and recognised this character as being a violent, thieving criminal who is nasty and unpredictable. Apparently, James didn't even like him: He just knew who he was.
I was livid that she'd brought such a character round my house!!
I texted her and told her what I'd found out - the bloke was there and she only went and showed him my text!!!! Then she phoned me and we had an argument on the phone. She then slammed the phone down on me.
Five minutes later she phoned and apologised saying she'd had no idea and had asked him to leave. I gave her a few home truths about her conduct lately and we left it at that.
Now we're all on egg-shells here as this character has now seen my scathing text about him: I hope we don't end up with a brick through the window.
She gave him a 'tour' of my downstairs whilst they were here so he even knows the layout of the house and all the exits. Hubby is LIVID - understandibly. If we get turned over, I'll know where to go!!