Re-starting for the final time, this is it!!!!

Ahh so you need to be watching your inch loss and hope for the best re fluid retention :) just think once you stop/ change meds all that water will come off and your loose loads.. Think of it as a water weight bank :)

Your doing so great keep it up and try not to let your meds side effects get you down :)

What are u taking meds for? If its not to personal a question :)
yep a water bank lol.

I am on them for panic disorder, i dont mind you asking at all :D so i will probably be on them for a while, i have noticed the swelling on and off for a while now, mainly in the evening though. May have to mention it to the doctor when i seem him again

Thanks for the link, just had a quick look and its really interesting :D
Morning Rach. Hope you are feeling brighter today. I agree, i highly doubt you've gained it'll just be water. ANd you had a cracking loss last week so maybe your body is rebelling!

Hope you have a good day xx
well i put 2lb on yesterday :( was so upset for the whole day, that i just pigged out :( still upset but have just accepted it,makes me mad when i have seen other people on the page on fb who have had been out for meals over the weekend and have still lost, i have been good and i put on weight :(

going the doctor today for a review on my medication so will tell him about the swelling in my legs, maybe he will suggest water tablets. i dont really want to change medication again as i am only just recently on the new tablets.

Kids had a great day yesterday trick or treating and i got plenty of exercise walking around :) was so cold though. kids get way too many sweets, they had a big bag full each, am sitting here trying to ignore them lol
Awe Hun, don't get down x x

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thanks lisa, i am over it now and am moving on and hopefully in a downwards direction.

well went to the doctor and he said the swelling is down to the tablets, he has told me to just try putting my feet up for now as he doesnt really want to put me on more medication with it only being a side effect from the tablets. But if it continues i am to go back and he may put me on water tablets, i had to laugh when he said to put my feet up during the day, all i could think was 2 kids? yeah right lol.

Also might be starting with rheumatoid arthritis, he has given me some gel for now and will see how i get on after that.
I've read a book called wheat Belly recently which explains that some people can get symptoms that effect their Heath from eating wheat - if they cut wheat out for a few weeks and see if those symptoms disappear - perhaps you should try cutting wheat out completely and see if your symptoms reduce - sometimes an intolerance to wheat can cause IBS, plus loads other stuff - also the people who have an intolerance to wheat tend to gain weight round their belly stomach area rather than hips/ etc - people with an apple shape. Worth thinking about?? If you try it as feel better perhaps ask the doc to test you for it?

Green tea is meant to help with water retention? Also heard that Gentle massage of the area sometimes helps?
Why did he say rheumatoid arthritis Rachel? Thats a pretty serious one to get a diagnosis for without tests. What did he say?

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thanks tara, i may look into that as i do hold alot of weight in my belly area.

kat, its just from the symptoms i described, its only in one finger at the moment thats why he is just going to wait and see, it gets very stiff especially first thing in the morning but eases through the day. also painfull, i couldnt even press the top down on my deodrant spray. its been like this on and off for a while now. Also the joint on my big toe is the same. Rheumatoid arthritis is in the family, my dads dad was crippled with it. Arthritis is on both sides of my family. He never officially diagnosed me with it, he just suspects it at the moment, he will probably do tests when i go back in a month, so he said anyway.

not had chance put my legs up yet, had a photo meeting in the hall as we took part in a tractor run recently raising money for crumlin childrens hospital my son has attended since he was born. We raised 18 thousand euro, for a group of 40 in these times i have to say its brilliant :D

well food wise been a good day, although i never got breakfast as was too full from yesterday. Plenty of water has been drank, i did have bread though but only as i was at my mother in laws. had one of the food doctor bars, they are nice but he nakd ones are nicer i think. Unfortunately though them ones are not in the rules.

will have too look up online about a wheat free diet and see how i get on.
well had a crap day today, have eaten anything i could get my greedy hands on. Had a migraine and i am always the same when i get one. Then next 4 days are going to have to be 110% now. Or maybe i will weigh in friday instead then i have still got a full week to make a difference, will see how it goes. Still feel pretty bad now, painkillers are not really doing much.

Looked into do wheat free but it looks hard, and could make the fat go up so am just going to leave it just reduce carbs start by cutting out bread for now, have already cut out rice and pasta, which wasnt hard as i dont have it often anyway. Bread will be the hardest.

So heres to tomorrow a new day and a fresh start.
Going wheat free is difficult. My two girls have a wheat allergy. The youngest though is Allergic to lots of the things they substitute with as well so it's a total nightmare if we were to follow it rigidly.

What happened today Rachel? You were doing so well. Are you expecting me T tomorrow now?

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you know what i think went wrong is instead of just concentrating on calories and fat i have got a million other things going round in my head. I dont think i can think about anything else right now, am just going to stick to calories and fat and trying to limit bread intake. Otherwise at the moment it just feels like there is too much to think about. I am not giving up Kat, it was a bad day and thats it. Back on it tomorrow all guns a blazing :D Oh i am sure mr T will be around at some point lol.
You should get some chromium tablets from a health food shop. They really do get rid of the carb craving. I eat bread because I chose to rather than the 'Ive got to have it' feeling. Much more in control.
its an idea i would look into it thank Kat.

Well Mr T has arrived :( all my own damn fault, definitely a reminder to be good from now on and i will :D

Breakast was blueberries with some Glenisk organic yogurt and some all bran on top, was very nice and actually quite filling.
well yesterday was a good day, succeeded in my NO BREAD campaign :) Would any of you normally reduce calories for a few days when you have had a few bad ones or would you just carry on as normal ?

Managed to stay away from bread this morning too, i normally have it with my turkey rashers. Instead i had 2 eggs, mushrooms and tomatoes with them and it was definitely more filling. Really enjoyed it.
Well find Rachel. Personally I carry in as normal like I was taught at sw. You wipe the slate clean and carry on :)

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Thanks Kat, i just wasnt sure what to do, so i kept the calories pretty low yesterday but today i think i will go on as normal then. A few days i was keeping my calories low and i think thats what did me in with the gain. So going to aim for about 1500 or 1600 calories i think. See how i go on, my daily allowance to lose 1 1/2 lb a week is 1950, i always feel bad if i used them all though :confused: