Been reading loads as was trying to figure the way forward.
Number 1. Was bloated upper stomach area all the time - looked kind of pregnant (embarrassing) most of weight is in stomach area upper and lower areas.
Read wheat belly - when I came out of hospital - really big light went off in my head! Oh! Wow!
Question he asks - does your belly look pregnant ! My answer yup! Read on
Before that - read
Food doctor diet - like his bars, seeded porridge and fig and cranberry granola - was interested to see what he had to say.
South beach diet - low GI diet , but still includes whole grain breads etc.. But started me down the road to enlightenment lol
Read doctor Phil - love his show - good book, the 7 step plan to sort your head out etc .. Can be used with any diet really .. Didn't really look at his food plans much
Dr John briffa - escape the diet trap - really good - at the time was not ready mentally to cut to much stuff out.. Doing better now so re read it.
Bob Harper - skinny rules - some are great and I try to do them - others don't fit my style of living - aka I'm not ready to change my ways (yet?)!
Jillian - master your metabolism - good info but eating every 4 hours - to much effort when your busy with kids etc - eating plan not so keen on. Didn't fit with what I was trying out from the book wheat belly..
Looking at paleo and primal eating plans - have not finished reading yet

so not sure about what I will take from the books and use in my eating plan
Mainly bought on kindle, or 2nd hand copies off amazon