I've bern having numb episodes for a couple of yrs now. So far I've been told; overweight; might have a virus that's working on you but not giving temp; trapped nerve; bad posture; it's cold; it's warm; working at computer too much; stressed; need more exercise; need to relax more!
Finally got an appointment to neurology in march, dr barely asked me any questions, stretched a few limbs as said that she thinks I need to consider that I might be depressed!! And when I had 'the nerve' to dispute this, she decided it was appropriate to tell me about her diagnosis of post natal depression and how she thought it wouldn't happen to her. Didn't ask me any questions about other symptoms or anything. There is a history of neurological things in my family and she completly disregarded this. Was only when I argued that my uncle had also been told his condition wasn't getting worse and was suggested to him that he was depressed, only to die 5 months later from respiration failure, that I was given an appointment for an MRI, going on fri for it.
Do not allow yourself to be fobbed off
17 lost : 50 to goal