Red's food diary - advice very gratefully received

Friday February 18th – Easy Extra

Breakfast –Black coffee , 2 Tesco light choice sausages (1syn), 2 bacon medallions, some light choice baked beans, egg, lots of mushrooms, onion and tomato fried in frylight with garlic with tarragon added at the end.

Lunch – Cup of sweet potato and lentil soup, pineapple.

Tea – River cobbler baked with herbs and served with spiced cous cous and a large salad.

Snacks – Banana, 2 slices turkey ham 3 slices roast beef, fresh pineapple, Options drink (2syns)

Syns – 3

HexA –
HexB Alpen lights
Thanks but I did feck it up a bit today ('scuse language but it is appropriate to the occasion :rolleyes:). I'm sure it will catch up with me this Thursday or next and it will be my own fault. Only thing to do is dust myself off and carry on and be careful with the syns this week. I flexi synned Saturday at 36 syns (for wine) and that went fine I had 30 and I ate all my own food bar some slices of ham with fat removed and some tomatoes, so far so good. Fine all day today until this evening at the inlaws. Here's the damage then:

Saturday February 19th – Easy Extra
Breakfast – bowl of fruit (apple, pineapple, grapes) and an turkey ham and laughing cow omelette
Lunch – superfree veg soup
Tea – Salad, wholewheat cous cous, spicy drumsticks from this month SW magazine, slices of ham
Snack – superfree veg soup
Syns – flexi-synned for 36 had 5 small glasses of wine so 30 in total which was fine ...
HexA –
HexB -

Sunday February 20th – Easy Extra – blah blah
Breakfast – bowl of fruit, strawberry, grapes, banana, satsuma
Lunch – bowl of superfree veg soup, wholewheat cous cous, salad.
Tea – Here’s where it goes wrong then – Chinese takeaway and 2 glasses of wine – I did avoid all the fried starters (and there were lots of them) and had boiled rice and some salad but still ... not great. It will probably catch up with me.
Snack – banana
Syns – God knows but it won’t be good.
HexA –
HexB -

Well like I say there I didn't have any prawn crackers or won tons or wings or any of the many fried starters and I did have boiled rice and a dish with plenty of veg and I did have some salad. Still a Chinese takeaway is a Chinese takeaway and not SW friendly :eek::eek:. Not good. :( but my own fault :sigh:
Hi Red! Firstly you are still 100% in 'the zone' so there's nowt to worry about in that sense!! It's scary if you lose control and are struggling to regain it, which is NOT the case!! Secondly we are allowed a flexisyn day occasionally- it's actually recognised by SW as a reasonable thing to do! If it will aid us in having the 'blow out' we need to stop ourselves feeling deprived of the things we want then it has to be a good thing! And that Chinese you had- you could have EASILY adopted a 'sod it' attitude and had all the fried stuff, but you didn't! You still exercised self control which is half the battle!! I bet it's nowhere near as bad as you think! We always focus on the bad things we did so maybe you should look back over your diary for the week and look at the 19/21 meals you did well on!! You're doing great!X
Ah funcurls you have made me feel much better - thank you:flowers:. I did get right back into it today and I'll have a good week. It might not be a great weigh in but at least I'll be sticking to the plan properly.

Thank you all so much for your comments, you are all great xx:thankyou:

This is today - the kids were off and I had to work, it was a busy day for me.

Tuesday February 21stGreen

Breakfast – More brunch as I had to work and then had a tutorial over lunch, double session: 2 quorn sausages, beans, egg done in frylight and lots of mushrooms, onion, tomatoes and garlic

Lunch – out taking the kids to my friends then working and then picking them up (after a coffee it was time to go back and do tea) So no lunch but a big breakfast in preparation for that.

Tea – Quorn ‘meat’balls with a spicy vegetable sauce (containing courgette, pepper, onion, mushroom, finely diced carrot, chilli, garlic) and wholewheat spaghetti. Babybel light sliced over it. Pineapple

Snack – Options drink (2 syn), 4 wholewheat crackerbreads (HexB) and 2 Babybel light (HexA), Alpen light (HexB)

Syns – 2

HexA – Babybel Lights

HexB Alpen light, wholewheat crackerbread.
I'm trying a RED day today, thought a day with minimal carbs would do me good after the weekend. I'm still not sure about red days so I'm being brave. I think I need to look around for more inspiration too. Nest time I may try the lovely sounding vegetable mash Mia angel does on her diary but tonight I have a committee meeting so have to get out of the house quick and won't be back until later (I run DS2s Pre-school Playgroup committee which is a LOT of work - lots more than I anticipated when I took it on).

Anyway I'm waffling on... Here is today's plan:

Tuesday February 22th - Red
Breakfast –Black coffee,smoked salmon omelette(1 laughing cow triangle HexA), sliced tomato, babybel light (HexA)

Lunch – Superfree veg soup, 6 cherries some cubes of pineapple

Tea –Cup of superfree veg soup. Large salad with cold meats Tiger Tiger red Thai sauce (1syn) Shape zero

Snacks– Options drink (2syns), 5 wholewheat crackerbread(hexB), smoked salmon, babybel light(hexA) Banana

Syns – 3

HexA – Babybel lights, 1 Laughing cow light
HexB – Alpen lights,
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good luck with your red day, hope you enjoy it! I have always thought Red Days sound like they would make you hungry but then I saw that show 10 things to know about losing weight and it said protein is the best thing to keep you full up. Now I've realised that when I have cheese omelette and beans for breakfast - a triple whammy of proteins - I don't get hungry and am not even hungry by lunchtime!
Thanks Mia :D

Julie I did enjoy it - in fact I like it so much I'm doing it again today! I wasn't hungry at all. Not a great deal of variation in what I'm having today from yesterday but a little here and there. I'm definately going to try and do more red days and get inventive.

LOVING the smoked salmon omelette for breakfast. I was veggie for 16 years and most veggies say their downfall was bacon - not me, smoked salmon every time. Anyway. I have finished the packet I bought as a little treat - thank goodness, I swear I have an addiction to the stuff. So today's lovely breakfast was lovely smoked salmon with lemon and pepper on a small omelette and very garlicky tomatoes - God help anyone too close to me today!

Here is today's plan. No doubt I'll add or take away from it before the day is through, Still keeping the syns low though with the weekend's transgression in mind.

Wednesday February 23rd - Red
Breakfast –Black coffee,smoked salmon omelette(1 laughing cow triangle HexA), sliced tomatoes (HexA)

Lunch – Superfree veg soup, slices of cold meat 2 wholewheat crackerbread (HexB) 2 babybel lights (HexA)– mixed fruit (banana, apple, Satsuma)

Tea –Cup of superfree veg soup. Large salad with Tiger Tiger red Thai sauce (1syn) and tinned mackerel in tomato sauce – Shape zero yoghurt.

Snack – Options drink (2syns), wholewheat crackerbread, babybel light. meat slices, banana, satsuma

Syns – 3

HexA – Babybel lights, 1 Laughing cow light

HexB – Alpen lights, wholewheat crackerbread
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Today was weigh in. I lost 2lbs which is good.

This is today's plan:

Thursday February 24th Green

Breakfast – Black coffee, banana, satsuma

Lunch – quorn meat balls in spicy vegetable sauce with wholewheat spaghetti, Mullerlight yoghurt.

Tea – SW grill up/fry up quorn sausages, beans, egg, tomatoes, mushrooms, onion garlic and tarragon bacon medallions (4syns) SW chips, shape zero yoghurt

Snack – Options drink (2 syns)

Syns – 6

HexA – Babybel light
HexB -

Since I lost 2lbs maybe I should have more than 3 syns today :)
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