Refocus group - all welcome!

Great quote Bluesunflower, will try to focus on it at the crucial times.
Spangly thanks for thoughts about the 2 parts of brain, will try to change the I to it. Trouble is that when I get the cravings or wanting to eat off plan I often tend not to use any of the tools I've been given. I just think I want and i deserve and I'm bored and I'll feel much better if I eat...........whatever. So work in progress as for all of us.
Jess CD makes it harder as you don't get help with the crooked thinking, but lots of people do lose really successfully with it as of course can/will you.
I started back on packs yesterday after my planned few days break but out of ketosis unfortunately. Very motivated at moment and after a painful night my ibs is so much better today. So fingers crossed it stays like that.
Phoenyx I think it's quite normal but luckily not every day is like this so just try to hang on and keep thinking of your next WI and how good that loss will feel.
Want to share something my LLC said last night, she was talking about LL calling people who have lost weight with them before but come back having gained weight "refreshers" and that her colleague thought "progressors" would be a much better term for us because that is what we are doing. Learning more and progressing with our journey to control our weight because obviously before we didn't learn enough that just needs refreshing, we need to learn more.
Made me feel a bit better about having to return. hope it helps someone else do so too.
'progressors' is a much less loaded term. It's a good idea!

Phoenyx I've been thinking about food a lot too. I think it's fine as long as we don't actually eat any!!

Been quite low the past couple of days. No real reason. Wonder if I self-medicate mild depression with food and alcohol? Now I'm just on packs my feelings are laid bare. Maybe I should get my fluoxetine (Prozac) increased? Hmm.

On a different note, I'm loving the slim and save packs! Blimey. It's partly just the excitement (get me) of new flavours - but also the texture of the meals is really good. (no, I'm not on commission!!) pity I only got a sample pack so will have to start using up my Exante ones soon. I prefer having four a day so I find Exante harder. And there's less variety too. Oh well!

Hope everyone is doing ok and staying on plan this evening!
It must be in the air...have been thinking about food all day as well. The chatterbox has been on incessantly, trying to rationalise why I should have some protein and veggie tonight instrad of my dinner pack. Managed to resist though.

I like the idea of distancing one's self from the primitive brain. Helps put things into perspective. Even though it is still part of us, it definitely doesn't always know what is best for our bodies and mental health.

I'm loving the Exante porridge, best pack of all VLCDs imo. But 3 is definitely harder than 4 packs, so might alternate a bit between the two. Curious about Slim&Save now - a lot of people on the Exante board are switching over as well. Glad to hear you're enjoying the meals, Spanglymum! Are they 'filling'? (or as filling as any of these packs can be, I guess) Someone posted a pic of the spag bol made up in a bowl and it looked pretty tiny. ;)

I like 'progressors' as well. I miss LL meetings; haven't been to any Maintenance meetings in the past couple of months, because I've been ashamed of my gain. I realise that's stupid, our LLCs are there to help when the road gets bumpy. Must get in touch with her soon...
I took my dds to the cinema as a treat for all of us tonight but it was more like torture for me. On one side, child with popcorn, on the other, child with sweets. Afterwards they wanted chips and as I didn't want to cook I stupidly agreed. I then spent 45 mins stuck in the car with the aroma of chips wafting around, and typically, they left some on the table when they went to bed. I had to put them in the outside bin..

But despite all that I resisted temptation and am "enjoying" my fourth pack now. I hope everyone else has survived...
Well done for resisting, Phoenyx. Delayed gratification is so worth it!

Good night everyone, we've made it another day. Onwards and downwards.
Well done Jess with the 7lb. 7lb off for me also,which I am pleased with as I eased into ketosis rather than going cold turkey. Well into ketosis now so feeling better. Also tried some slim and save packs, hate to say it the spag bol was delicious and very filling. Mind you I have to say I dont think I would stand a chance on a VLCD without previously having had the experience and support of the Lighter Life counselling. My counsellor was particularly effective and really helped me look at how and why I was eating, weight loss is 80% if not more in the head.

Love the quote bluesunflower, very insightful.

My primitive brain must be very highly evolved Spangly as it really does control a great deal of what I do. Maybe is switches over to deal with all the cerebral stuff I do for work. Going to give the technique you mentioned a go, see how I get on. Lot like the inner child stuff, when that is in control of making decisions tends towards pleasure seeking hedonism. Reminds me of the song "Illegal or immoral or it makes you fat !" I wonder what it would be like to have healthy coping mechanisms, to enjoy something like exercise.

Well done Pheonix for resisting the temptations of the pictures.

Onwards and downwards all x

Well done all, 7lbs is really good- half a stone!! So be pleased with yourselves and congratulate yourselves on this achievement of completing the first hard week
Also serious thinking going on to improve our thinking and attitude to food from now on
We are all awesome
Keep patting ourselves on the back be kind to ourselves as we would be to others. Less hard self judgement
Have a clear day
This is such a cool group! We ROCK!

Phoenyx, well done on resisting all that temptation. Every time you resist, it makes new neural pathways in your brain, and (allegedly) makes it easier to resist the next time you're faced with the same situation. (Hark at me with all the neurology talk - like I know?! But I do read a lot of geeky health-type books and used to work for "the" medical journal... so...)

7lb off Jess and Clara - brilliant! I think you both must have much more normal and less waterlogged bodies than me :). (That's me: the saggy blob of fluid...)

On the slim and save packs - OMG! I LOVE THEM. The only ones I haven't enjoyed so far were banana (LL and Exante banana are much nicer) and the vanilla crispy shake, which was just weird. I had the original chilli last night and it was sooooo good. They've got some good textures going on. The LL "meals" are a bit mushy (although I enjoyed them as a change at the time). I think I may stock up on some of my favourites so I've got some in the cupboard for those days when I "can't be bothered" cooking. Then no excuse!

I haven't tried the bars that came in my sample pack yet as I'm a bit worried they may act as triggers for me. I think I might just keep them as emergency meals for once I've finished getting to my goal.

Am planning something new, exercise-wise, this weekend. My kettlebell and DVDs came, so I'm going to give it a go!

Have a brilliant day, everyone - and YAY for the long weekend ahead!
Thanks for your kind words. The neural pathways thing made me smile, it helps to think that it will get easier - thanks spangly.

The s&s Truffa bars are, gorgeous, as are the lemon. I'm not a fan of the muesli ones.

I'm glad I'm doing LL too though - it gives me something to aim for. I'm trying not thinking any further than 6 days at a time - til the next weigh in. Can't say the counsellings been incredibly useful yet but I have only had one session!
Nut fudge bars, oh my they are so good also quite filling I think
I'm really missing them and the more satisfying mealy things. I'm doing shakes only at moment as my IBS was so bad and LLC thought thus would help as indeed it has. Still some pain but so much better
It is going to make my journey seem longer if I have to stick to just shakes but at moment I'm feeling positive and I can do this. Only....... Days to go, well months of course but one at a time
Spangly as you say we DO rock.
Thanks for idea but I don't think so but definitely won't try for a while as must give my insides a chance to settle down so I can get rid of pain completely before I risk anything that might be dodgy.
I never understood how some people had enough self-restraint to divide the bars up and enjoy them throughout the day - once that baby's open, it won't last very long in my hands.
Nut fudge bars! Miss them - had one every day for 7 months last year.

How's everyone going to spend the long weekend?
My flatmates gave up chocolate for lent and are going to go on a crazy egg-eating feast - must find lots to do OUTSIDE the house.

Have a good evening everyone!
Yes I'm definitely doing Atkins when I reach my goal weight. I know it's carbs that give me the munchies and I do think low carb is sustainable for me longer term. (famous last words!)
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Hello ladies,

how's everyone doing? Hope you're faring well and don't have to cope with too many Easter-y temptations.

Well, it's one week done for me; unbelievable how much better I feel after such a short time, even though most clothes are still pretty tight, but at least it's going down and not up. I think I'll have to face the scales at some point the coming week.

A bit miffed at myself as yesterday I decided to give bars another go; it was great to chew on something for once, but I went and ruined it by having an extra one before going to sleep. Hoping it didn't take me out of ketosis so soon into the game (burned it right off this morning during spinning class hopefully)...but I'm back on track today.

Have a great long weekend, with lots of relax and non-food treats!
That's spooky! I also had a bar yesterday, having done two hours of gardening and getting dizzy spells, which then made me eat two more!! (only excuse is they we slim and save ones, which are very small, but still!) Definitely think bars are a problem for me and to be avoided. I guess we both live and learn, eh?

Watching the boat race drama at the moment before taking the girls to a birthday party.
Wow, how spooky indeed! I guess bars are not our friends right now.

Did you have any the first time around you were on Total?
Because I had one every day and never had an extra bar or two. What's different this time around, I wonder?

I have an eBay bid on some Exante bars that I made the other day (no way I'm buying a box of 50 from their website - that's a recipe for disaster), but at this point I hope I'll be outbid. I think I just need to be done with bars for now; getting back to goal is a priority and they just get in the way it seems.

Hope your girls have fun at the bday party.

I'm off to make myself a giant coffee.