afternoonie lovlies

I NEED TO LOOSE WEIGHTtttttttttttttt !

what's wrong with my brrrrrainnnnnnnnnnn

getting a few weight related issues,you'd think that would do it wouldn't you,but noooooooooo
fattyarbuckle seems to be clutching on to me for dear life.
asked nurse if there was anything i could take to take the cravings away,she said no

dr says when you want to eat something,stand in front of the mirror in the nude and jump up and down,see if you still want a biscuit after that. like ewwwww grossumness
OH says no to vlcd but i'm thinking maybe.and
maybe if i do the exercises the physiotherapy lady gave me,downstairs might not need the op.
ho humm.....i'm as indecisive as my moods.....
think i want to be an ostrich :sigh: