rosie's Diary:- the good, bad nd downright ugly!

Just popped on to say hello to savageunicorn, is there really such a thing? I thought unicorns were sweet, lovely and magical!
Hi to NikkiP too!
While I was out shopping I got dragged into the tattoo parlour by an evil man who made me have some tats done! (that's what I told dh anyway!)
I now have a small wasp on 1 boob, a bee on the other and afew flowers and ladybirds in between!
It only took 1.5 hours and look bootiful!
As I have such massive boobs there is still room so I'm thinking of a blue tit on one!
Catch you all laters!
Evening all!
was awol yesterday due to a migraine.
Better today tho' so I took myself to the college and signed myself up to do an nvq in shop retail! I thought I might have a chance to pass this as I worked in a shop.
Met dh in city for a pint (diet coke!) and a jacket pot, smothered in beans, with a whml salad roll on the side, all legal and all syn free!
I had a row with silly woman in a shop who thought she could queue jump (hate it when that happens!). She said she was on a half hour lunch break and only had 2 mins left, so I told her she should have got there 28 mins earlier then! Women! She got in a strop, threw her stuff on the counter and stormed out of the shop. The assistant smiled at me and made a comment so I told her she could have prevented the row if she had said to the woman "i'm sorry but there's a queue" and SHE gave me evil looks! Oh well, that's life!
Will prob not report in tomorrow as am going to the footie match, norwich are playing watford, and if we lose I shall be depressed!
Joke of the day, norty but nice!-
Mr Whippy was found dead today with a flake up his bottom, chocolate sprinkles on his willy and strawberry sauce on his balls.The police say he topped himself!!!!
I can't belieeeeeve it!!!
First Norwich game of the new football season and we bottle it!
We lost 3-2 and it was a poor performance, especially after the thrill of being champions of div 1 last season.
Oh well, 1 game down, 45 to go!
Had a nice day today, apart from the footie, lazed about in the back garden and had a lovely kipper sandwich for lunch! I loooooorrrrvvvveeeee kippers, but they don't like me! I had terrible smelly burps all afternoon.
joke of the day-
I bought a dvd the other day called "bald and barely legal"
Really excited I rushed home, put in the dvd, and got ready with the wife.
Turns out it was a ministry of transport dvd on tyre tread depths!
Hi all,
just a quick visit as have spare 20 mins before going to pub!
hope you all feeling ok, and dieting happily.
had a nice day after the dissapointment of the footie result yesterday!
tip of the day-
If you bus to/from work, etc, get off a stop earlier to give yourself a 5-10min exercise boost!
hope you can all hear me over the loud music!!!!
went to the local last night, I religiously drank diet coke, and darling hubby decided to get a bit pickled! He was sooo pickled he even got up and sang on the karyoke machine! He is an awful singer and totally murdered "spirit in the sky".
flushed with confidence he then promptly fell off the stage and landed on a table!
We walked home, or should I say I half carried him home, and I gave up when he fell asleep in the lavendar bush in the back garden!
I left him there and he tried to creep into bed 3 hours later, but he woke me up when the wardrobe nearly fell on him!
So I was up bright and early this morning, nicely offered him a cup of tea and a bacon sarnie, but decided to give him space when he turned green and bolted for the bathroom!
I am NOT playing my music loud to get back at him (ha! would I be that petty?!) but because it's Sunday and there's nothing better than listening to a church organ cd on a Sunday morning! Especially at it's highest volume!
Just to let you know, dh is finally out of bed and so ashamed of his behaviour last night that he can't look me in the eye!
So i've decided to forgive him and have sent him outside in the garden with a pair of sunglasses, some paracetamol and a cup of tea!
He is laying quietly on the sun lounger, and has just shouted to me (whilst grimmacing!) that he will cook tea tonight- result!
Hello all!
yes dh soon recovered, thanks loiuse, and cooked a lovely chicken sweet and sour with stir-fried veg! yum yum!
This week I kissed the nursey when she told me I'd lost 5lb, bringing my total up to 8lb.
She was stunned, but pleased!
I think I have fell back into sw quite easily, tho I do need to check a lot of the syn values.
Now i'm an old marriied woman the meals I cook are slightly different and luckily dh can cook and quite enjoy shooing me out of the kitchen while he cooks a masterpiece!
Ok will leave you with quick joke of the day-
Paddy caught his wife having an affair so decided to kill her and himself. He puts a loaded gun to his head, looks at his wife and says "don't laugh, you're next!"
Am a bit distracted this evening as i'm home alone, just about to listen to my beloved Norwich play Gillingham at footie!
Dh is working late and won't be home til 10;30ish, and my son is over-nighting at his friends.
I have been busy today getting clothes ready for our hols next week, and have a very dodgy tummy! I think that mean my period is about to start after an 8 week abscence! Just in time for me hols, typical!
Am off to make coffee before match start!
joke of the day, norty again so if you shy don't read!!!!!
I really hate it when my finger accidently pokes through the toilet paper mid-wipe.
Other than that, i'm really enjoying my new job at the old folks home!
Just a quick footie update, Norwich won 4-1, Woohoo!
Hi all,
just a pop in to see how you are all doing!
I had a meeting with my Dr this morning, just one of their health check things, and he had the usual go at me about smoking!
Now, a smoker knows another smoker, and my dr smokes! (Brown stains on fingers!) I was very respectful through his "sermon", listening closely, and then he got on to his favourite subject, my weight!
He is no skinny-minny! In fact I reckon he must weigh about 20 stone, So there was this tubby smoker lecturing me!
I had felt quite cheerful before I went in the surgery, but felt like cr*p when I came out!
Luckily, Nursey at the surgery is lovely, and always make me feel ok. She never lectures me about my weight/smoking and knows that I am doing something positive about my weight.
Next door to my dr's is a pub and I popped in to have a diet coke and jacket potato to make me feel better!
Moan over!!!!
Joke of the day-
Paddy takes his mates back to his new flat.
After a few beers one of the lads ask "what's that big brass gong hanging on the wall?"
Paddy says "It's my speaking clock!"
"How does it work?"
"I'll show you" He hits it full pelt with a claw hammer.
A voice from next door yells, "For God's sake! Don't you know it's twenty to three in the morning!"
My dh must be a mind-reader as he came home from work clutching a bunch of flowers and a bag of grapes!
Def cheered me up after dr visit
Aww bless him for getting a bunch of grapes! Just focus on the Dr and proving to him that you CAN do it, then he can put that in his pipe and smoke it xx
Flying visit!!
I'm busy washing holiday clothes ready for packing and thought I'd take time out for a fag and a coffee!
Dh has finished work for 2 weeks and is trying to get me to look at his "etchings!"
Ha! I know for a fact that he can't draw!
Can't wait to get away for a week, I feel all drained and low in energy so a change of scenery will be most welcome.
Ooops, just spilt coffee down my chin and dh is laughing and asking if I want a baby's tippy cup!
Excuse me while I go stangle him............................................................................................
Back now!
Right, joke of the day-
Japanese scientists have created a camera with a shutter speed so fast they can now photograph a woman with her mouth closed!
Quick update, all packing done and I discovered dh can draw after all!
In fact I asked for a second showing.........!
Evening all!
just a quickie to say i'm off on me hols tomorrow so won't be on for a week!
As we going self catering i've got every chance of being good but may slip once or twice!
Oh yes and after waiting 8 weeks for my period to start, it just bloody did! Bah!
Joke of the day-
My budgie broke his leg today so I made him a splint out of 2 swan vesta matches.
His little face lit up!
And so did the rest of him as I'd forgotten I'd lined his cage floor with sandpaper...........
Have a lovely holiday, hope the weather improves. I have enjoyed reading your updates :)
Well i'm back!
Hope you all missed me!
I did find it strange not reporting in every day, but soon got over it!
Had a fantastic week, I ate sensibly but not 100% good.
But we walked everyday and early results on the scales look promising.
Weather was gorgeous and we sat on the beach everyday for a couple of hours, then slowly made our way to the amusements. My son was winning tickets to get a mp player(?) and ended up spending more than it would cost to buy in a shop!
I went on the bingo and got 45 wins that I traded in for fags and coffee (arn't I sad?!).
Dh decided to go on the slot machines and we actually came home with more money than we went with, so a result!
The poor washing machine is now groaning under the weight of dirty clothes and my kettle has been going non-stop.
Anyway, i'm off to see what you lot have been up to so here's todays joke-
Paddy runs into the pub and shouts to Murphy, "someones stolen your car!"
Murphy replies "did you see who did it?"
Paddy says "No, but I got the registration!"