Thanks Jess super excited about the scan!
Great idea for the thread by the way have already taken advantage
I am sooooo hungry today I'm trying ever so hard to be healthy as I have deffo gained a few lbs over the last couple of weeks but all I want to do is scoff cheese and bread and pasta lovely stodgy filling food ! Gosh it's only 11am!
Also finding I need the loo a lot more at the mo I'm literally needing a wee every half hour!
On a personal note this is probably tmi but me and my bf had dtd last night and shortly after i started to get a few little pains down the sides of my girly bits .. Almost like cramps .. They didnt last very long and I felt fine this morn when I woke up but it did worry me a little bit .. Has this happened to anyone else before ? It seems to happen every time we dtd( sorry again!)