ProPoints Sarah's i will be thin diary

U no what I do every dinner I have SO much veg(free veg!)
Onion garlic babycorn green beans peppers carrots celery! If I dint have loads of veg I wud feel hungey so maybe try bulk ur dinners out with veg luv! Xxx

Yeah think ill just get loads of veg in, maybe frozen veg as it will lady longer :) I'm definitely going to do some roasted veg too as it sounds yummy :) like I said though I've been ridiculously bad today I feel physically sick thinking about how much I've ate :(
I really wanted to lose 3lbs this week aswell as its one of my mini goals...I'm just hoping I have enough will power to get straight back on it tomorrow and will hopefully feel better after the gym! Xxx
Hmm ok today wasn't a good day at all!! Although I have been gym and earnt 7pp!! And just tucking into stirfry with ww sweet and sour sauce so a 2pp meal xx
Good keep it up at least you have kept to it all day
I've gone over my daily points but only by a couple if I count eating my exercise points. Glad I went to the gym as feel alot better :) I'm just absolutely cream crackerdd!! Can't wait for bed although still got go in shower and wash the pots!! Boooo!! Ha xx
Tomorrow is another day just draw a line under it and move forward
I'm doing well. Managed to stay within my syns today and eaten loads so feeling satisfied. Starting to notice a difference now
That's great news well done :)

I got 3 comments yesterday asking if I've lost weight :) made my day :D

So day I've actually gone for a change in lunch I've got 2 warbuton thins with ham instead of my rolls so ill see if they fill me up as much :)
I've got it with a yog and baked crisps and for breakfast I've had 40g ricekrispies and skimmed milk.
Leaves me with 17pp for snacks and tea!! So will have my Special K moments for 3pp and like I said ill go boots when I'm shopping and hopefully pick up a wrap for 7/8 pp :) xx
Why why why do I do this to myself ive had 50pp today... only allowed 33 and only earned 4pp so gone over by 13pp!! I dont want to undo all my hard work :(
Thats what I need to think when im binging and how I want to look!! I feel physically deprssed right now :'(
Any support welcome to help my piggy binging xxx
Why why why do I do this to myself ive had 50pp today... only allowed 33 and only earned 4pp so gone over by 13pp!! I dont want to undo all my hard work :(
Thats what I need to think when im binging and how I want to look!! I feel physically deprssed right now :'(
Any support welcome to help my piggy binging xxx

U can have some of my points- short by 8pp and I'm not hungry :)

Try eating some bulkier food to fill u up- brown whole grain rice or wholegrain pasta or bread. Hit lots of fruit or veg and have a pic on the fridge or te naughty cupboard of something like a thin pic of u or a celeb u wanna look like. X
U can have some of my points- short by 8pp and I'm not hungry :)

Try eating some bulkier food to fill u up- brown whole grain rice or wholegrain pasta or bread. Hit lots of fruit or veg and have a pic on the fridge or te naughty cupboard of something like a thin pic of u or a celeb u wanna look like. X

I wish i could use you points!! Lol
Think is most of the time I'm not actually hungry I just eat because its there! Tbh it's mainly at work...I need to learn how to say no and have will power!!
I know I can do it as I've done it before! Yeah I may get a pic of me and put it on my fridge...
maybe one at my biggest as I think that would make me feel sick as I don't want to get that big again
Draw a line under it and move on. 13 pp is less than 20 or 25.
You could have done worse and you have still exercised :)
Draw a line under it and move on. 13 pp is less than 20 or 25.
You could have done worse and you have still exercised :)

I've drew so many god damn lines lol
I've made myself feel sick and I hate feeling sick!
Yeah I guess your right I could have done worse :) I think I'm going gym again on Friday so if I have a 100% day tomorrow and Friday then I'm hoping I could try and atleast lose a pound or sts as its only been the last 2 days I've been naughty . X
You can do it!!

when is your weigh in? W have all been there its rubbish. Keep going the main thing is you haven't given up.
I weigh in on Saturday morning too so let's do it keep going
Awesome we shall :) Ive woke feeling all fat and bloated, just generally sh*t so I need to remember this feeling when I think about binging again!! X
Ahh I'm gutted!! Forgot to bring my yoghurt to work!! Stupid I know but I really enjoy my mullerlight!! Ahh well saved me 3p I guess :)

My diary today:
Breakfast: 30g ricekrispies 3pp
skimmed milk 1pp

Lunch: 2 ham warbuton thins 6pp
baked crisps 3pp

Tea: unsure yet but 17pp left providing I have nothing extra but I may have some crackers if I get peckish in afternoon for 2pp

Snacks: Special K moments 3pp