Monday morning, quick weigh in, put on 1.5lb over the weekend

I'm surprised as it was an energetic weekend! So now I'm on +3.5lb, which I'm not happy with. So no more icecream (well one a week maybe), and need to get more fruit and veg in me which I think I've been lacking a bit recently. It was great when the sun was here, all I wanted was salad, but now it's like winter in the NW, it's too cold to get cravings for salad!
In other news, the baby is feeling fairly active now. I spent half of last week with constant wind and burping (much to the amusement of DH). Most of the time it wasn't painful indigestion, just the constant need to burp. This most likely coming from the little acrobat inside! I'm still getting winded once in a while but most days I can feel tiny little kicks below my belly button which I love to feel. DH possibly felt his first kick on Thursday night, either a kick or a big bubble, which came from the baby anyway, but I think it was a big kick. Only had one or two of those as it made me jump too! So just hoping it gets stronger and he can feel them more often.
It's nice as now I go to bed around 10pm, and then he comes up and lies there with his hand over where the baby is for about 20 minutes waiting to try and feel something. No TV on, no computers. Despite spending all day together working etc. it's nice to have a quiet period of time together like that.
Tomorrow morning is scan day, so keeping everything crossed that the results are good, and if the baby is behaving itself, hopefully we can find out if it's a boy or girl