Jo - yes it's very reassuring, although two nights ago I was wide awake for 4 hours (for some unknown reason!) and spent most of that time getting kicked. Not sure if he's kicking in his sleep as I'm sure he didn't stop all night! But I wouldn't swap that for anything now. I worry when I stop to think have I felt him, but tend to get a reassuring kick shortly after! Baby shopping is great

Just have to ensure we don't buy every cute little outfit going and waste our money!
mitten - thanks! Hope I didn't bore you too much

Have had some major ups and downs and worries, but feeling much more relaxed now. I keep worrying that I'm not organised and have still got so much to do (more around the house, clearing up, clearing space etc), but I do like to sit and research and read up on things. Prefer to be marginally prepared!
Well 24 weeks is here, and clearly being good and eating good has been beneficial as I've lost 3lb this week! I didn't quite expect that, more just to lose 1-2lb that I put on last week, as I've been fairly consistent at a 4lb gain for a while. However one of my weekly baby emails (of which I seem to have many!) has just told me that I'm going to hit the biggest growth spurt phase over the next 6 weeks so starting at +3lb rather than +6lb is good in my mind!
Yesterday was a bit of a bad day. The night before I woke at 2am, nipped to the loo and then just couldn't get back to sleep for 4 hours. I was tossing and turning (probably where I burned half the calories!), seemed to have a constant supply of wind so burping a lot (and waking DH, although he was snoring so I'm not feeling too guilty!), and just felt so uncomfortable. So I had 4 hours sleep by the time I dragged myself out of bed at 7.30am for work, and by 10 I could see I wasn't being productive and could barely see the computer screen, so went back to bed for an hour, which resulted in nothing
I managed to get an hour and a half of sleep in the afternoon thankfully, which kept me going until bedtime again. But I have to say, if one more person says to me 'get used to it' I'm going to scream! I've not slept a proper night's sleep since April, just before I found out I was pregnant. Every night gets disturbed. I've got used to that now, I turn over and usually get back to sleep. However, on occasion, I get a bad nights sleep. I don't necessarily think it's pregnancy related, as I could get the occasional bad nights sleep pre-pregnancy too. However, the difference now is that I'm a bit tired during the day anyway, and then I need to try and work for 8-9 hours, staring at a computer (thankfully I'm not on my feet all day but it's still tiring concentrating on programming code!). The whole comment of 'get used to it' is frustrating, because when the baby is here, I won't be working 8-9 hours too! I'll be changing my sleeping pattern at first to fit in with the baby, where necessary, and I won't have the stress that I'm currently under with work. So no, it'll be quite different as even if I'm up all night and then not sleeping during the day. My days, if nothing else, will be feeding, changing, burping and dealing with the baby. Hopefully the washing and cooking will get done (although I intend to start on cooking up some dinners come November, so we're prepared for a few months!), but my first priority is just looking after the baby, not trying to program a online quotation system for an airport taxi service or dealing with payslip imports for 800+ people!
Heh, sorry for the rant. Just fed up of people saying get used to it. I get it when I make a minor moan about wasting time in the hospital with the consultant and dietician, when I don't get much sleep, when I comment that the place is a tip. I know people mean well but hearing it off everyone going is just too much. It's making me antisocial online (facebook, twitter etc) because all I get is everyone's opinion! So glad I can just sit and rant here
Anyway (change of subject), last night we took a trip to mothercare, 7pm, nice and late and quiet in there! They shut at 8, I think we left about 7.55! Had a good look round their clothes (sooo cute!) and the other bits on my shopping list. Found both car seats we'd been looking at, and as DH hadn't seen them in person he could, which was handy, as he was taking my word on going for the maxi-cosi over the britax, due to the weight of it (along with a couple of other reasons). However Halfords currently have it for £30 less online, plus 5% cashback via quidco!
We checked on everything else and were happy with most of it so I can start buying some things in. Just need to work out where we're going to start storing stuff!
Thank god it's the bank holiday this weekend. Plenty to do!