Sarah's simply filling diary. ......

thanks hun. had some soup on all night cooking day 1 xx

That's great! Big breakfast, snack regularly and don't be scared to use weeklies on GOOD snacks like nuts etc. so what if they're high points, they're so good for you x
That's great! Big breakfast, snack regularly and don't be scared to use weeklies on GOOD snacks like nuts etc. so what if they're high points, they're so good for you x

lol yes mam. breakfast didn't go well porridge was rank :( x
right so today is day 1. im gonna really need help to get me off tbe ground with this but here it goes. . .

breakfast was supposed to be porridge buy it didn't work out was in a massive rush so just had a cereal bar. 2pp

lunch sweet potato and carrot soup 0pp
ww petit pain 0pp

dinner will be cod 0pp and homemade actifry chips 0pp

snacks ww cake bar 2pp

and iv had a banana.

need to food shop so snacks will be minimum anyway xxz
Sounds good sarah & you can use ur allowed 2tsp of oil either all in actifry or one for fish and one for chips as 2 tsp is actually quite alot, well done :)
Sounds good sarah & you can use ur allowed 2tsp of oil either all in actifry or one for fish and one for chips as 2 tsp is actually quite alot, well done :)

ohhhh thanks for the tip xxx
lost half a pounds x
Thanks hun. bit of a stressful week iv had but happy with that.

we have been to look at another house today .....yes 3rd house this year. When we got this one we are in everything was ok but our llans havr changed so much lately. for 1 my travel timer by cart is 20 mins to get to work . of I hit rush hour its longer. Craig us still doing his pt course and takes him a further 45 mins to get to where he is. I just feel so out thet way to family and friends its just not feeling right. so went to look for ca different one and we love it. is the biggest problem as we need to put a new bond down but cannot get ours back ubtil after the contract is finished so gonna have to see bank of mam and dad. fingers crossed for me in the next couple of days xx
Well done on your half a pound loss. Keep it up! Xx
well done on loss sarah & good luck with house etc x
eeek name is on the house xxx
hows day 2 going sarah ? x
its good ill update soon xx

pizza xx
on sf its only the cheese so 3pp on pp its around 7pp xx