Gold Member
sarah88 said:T will actually only b 2x burgers
660cals for the 2 burgers
sarah88 said:T will actually only b 2x burgers
sarah88 said:818 Cals burned now! Thanks daisy, yeah I was up late so only had the apple on the way to shopping but I'm not actually hungry either!
Atomic pink said:Wow - good going on the insanity! Food looks really yummy but do make you are eating enough if you are doing the Insanity work out each day. If you think about it Purpled is on maintenance points and using some AP too and still losing since doing Insanity. Now you have a heart rate monitor and know exactly how many calories you are burning would it be worth eating back 1/3- 1/2 of your exercise calories? And while I know you want to do high protein low carb at the moment (which I think is an excellent idea) when you are exercising that much each day it might be worth making sure you have one portion of carbs a day - either with breakfast, lunch or dinner.
But well done on an excellent start to getting back on plan. Are you feeling positive about things at the moment? I hope so. I think your food and exercise plan sounds really sensible. I am gradually coming to the conclusion thats it finding something that works for us as individuals rather than slavishly following the eating plan that someone else has come up with. At the moment I am trying to base my meals far more around SF but have mentally made a few tweaks to make it work for me. Like being about to have 2pp worth of nuts or seeds rather than oil allowance, lean lamb being free and 0% fat yogurts being free as long as I only have 1 a day.
Atomic pink said:You said you did kettlebells as well? And there are some push ups and things in Insanity isn't there? Any weight bearing exercises increase your calorie burn for longer than just cardio. One of the personal trainers at my gym was saying that doing weights burns extra calories for up to 48 hours whereas as the calorie burn from cardio work pretty much stops when you stop doing it.
bulldogdaisy said:Yea think thats why they say bout exercising in the morning as you have all day of burning calories then! That's good you've added some carbs :0)
Atomic pink said:The roll sounds a very tasty addtiion to dinner
Would be interesting to see what happens if you leave the monitor on all day tomorrow. I guess you burn calories just by being alive so it would be interetsing to compare what it said on a day when you aren't doing any exercise to one where you are. That way you could directly compare how many more calories you burn after you have finished your workout.
sarah88 said:Thanks daisy! I actually enjoyed the roll!I actually only managed the roll, 2x burgers and the Sweetcorn! Not much salad I'm stuffed!
Atomic pink said:You might be better off with some nuts and seeds with your dried fruit as well. But yeah, that would be a sensible way to make up the extra calories. But I will grant you probably less fun than a chunky kit kat. Although as I have never tried one I do not know for sure...