Sarah's Slimming World Diary!

Just a quick post as I'm in pain!

Bloody period has ruined my day! Sore tummy but what is hurting the most is my back. Realllllly achy - not sure if its period or because of the kettlebells I did last night. But it only tried hurting halfway through today.

Anyway... Food has been good today.

B: yoghurt (1.5), raspberries and banana
S: 2 x Alpen Lights (HExB1)
L: pasta, Philly light (hexa1) and mushrooms, crisps (4.5), 2 x Alpen lights (hexb2)
S: half a mugshot
D: spaghetti hoops and eggs, yoghurt (1.5)
S: milkybar (7.5)

Used all my syns today. Went for a swim hoping it would ease my back pain. Just did a gentle 30 breaststroke and a very fast 10 lengths of frontcrawl.

So good day for food and exercise - bad for pain!

Going to have exactly the same food for tomorrow I think but prob won't exercise as clearly my back needs a break!
Arghhhhh I need to rant!!!

Last saw Dave about two weeks ago - seeing him this weekend. He said he will come after dinner on Saturday, so will be here about 9, and leave on Sunday at 4.

So frigging annoying as it means we don't even get a full day. Too late on Saturday night to do anything - would have liked to have gone out somewhere for dinner or drinks.

Then if he needs to leave at 4 on Sunday then we can't go too far.

He just has so much work at the moment - for all those people who think teachers don't do anything - here is proof that they do!! I then can't see him for another two weeks, and again for two weeks... Until the end of term.

Can't wait to move in with him, will be so much easier. Can hardly talk on the phone in the evening anymore as he has too much work.

He always said I would come first but that's unrealistic really as, even if he wants me to, teaching has to come first. It's making me hate the profession I want to go in to!
Hi Hun,
glad ur foods going well :) how's ur pain?
Thats so rubbish about Dave. I totally understand how you feel, I had long distance relationship while I was at uni and it sucked. And Chris also had to go away for 4 months. Was super hard to talk due to time difference. But just keep thinking how its not for too long now, by summer you'll be together again. I know it still sucks this weekend but soon it will be over and you'll have every evening together even if its doing work next to each other at the table :) xxx
Well food was going well until yesterday! I got sent home from work with a cold - wouldn't usually let a cold make me miss work but I literally was sneezing every 5 seconds the entire morning - think everyone was as fed up as I was!

I came home and lay in the garden and was fine. Wen I was younger I was allergic to seemingly everything - would sneeze non stop from dairy, dust, animals, feathers, etc. as I've got older, it's more just the animals and dust. Th dairy blocks my nose up occasionally, as does orange juice. I do most of my breathing through my mouth as my nose was always blocked when I was younger - I have such a strange nasal system!

Anyway... As I got older we also noticed that I sneeze when I change temperature. As in.... Fine in need get out and my temperature drops slightly and ill sneeze ten times. Get out of the shower = sneeze. Leave the house = sneeze.

I think the sneezing yesterday wasn't helped by the windows being open and occasionally getting a breeze. So it makes sense that I hardly sneezed once I lay in the garden!

Anyway... I came home and had a bunch of chocolate, sweets and cookies for no reason other than feeling sorry for myself. Then had an Indian!

I have half the Indian left today and I'm gonna have it - and me and dave are having a picnic in the park tonight. So not an ideal day today. I'm going to suggest that we go for a long walk in the sun tomorrow - hopefully he'll be up for that.

What I like about weigh ins twice a week is that I know if Mondays is bad then I can sort it by Thursday and still hopefully have a good one.

So excited to see dave - hopefully there might be a few flats available too so we can get ideas of what we want. I'm really quite lucky that we get to see eachother once a fortnight and occasionally once a week. And we talk a few times a day usually on facetime so it's like being in the same room!

Think ill miss living here in a way - my housemate clearly has a guy in her room and I'm desperate to know who it is! Gonna miss the banter (hate that word!) and gossip etc that goes with living with friends!
Not been good this weekend! Will leave it at that rather than go into the details of my naughty food!

Gonna be a tricky week now... Today is fine. Tomorrow I'm fine during the day but then going home and going for dinner with my dad. Wednesday I can be ok during the day (although I'm at home and find it hard then) but then have a school trip until Friday. So I won't be able to do SW but it should be nice healthy food and loads of walking. So hopefully that should be ok. But then I have the weekend at home which, again, is tricky!
Sorry I disappeared!

I have eaten horrendously since a week last Friday - don't know what happened! Hopefully out of my system now and I'm back on track. Won't weigh for a while.

Wednesday and Thursday will be fine. My mum is coming to stay on Friday and we are out to eat. Out for lunch on Saturday too. Home on sat night and Sunday so need to control myself then.

Monday til Friday I'm on a school trip. Food is catered and not sure what it'll be. I'm going to take some Alpen Lights and hope that the food isn't too bad. I'm going to be really active that week so hopefully that will be ok.

Friday is mine and Dave's 1 year anniversary so we may go for a meal or something - but I get back from my trip quite late so we'll have to see. Saturday and Sunday I'm at his house so will be whatever his mum cooks - generally healthy bit not necessarily slimming world. And always pudding!

I'm going to do kettlebells as much as I can - have added an extra kg. hope it helps!
Food today...

B: banana, raspberries, yoghurt (1.5)
L: sandwich (bread (hexb1), marmite, ham, salad), crisps (5), banana, yoghurt (1.5)
S: 2 x Alpen lights (hexb2)
D: turkey breast, bacon, Philadelphia light (hexa1), mushrooms, mixed veg. Yoghurt (1.5), Calippo Shots (1.5)

Exercise: 30 mins kettlebells

Syns for the day were 11. Didn't use my 2nd HExA so quite pleased with today

B: yoghurt (1.5), banana and raspberries
L: sandwich (bread (hexb1), marmite, salad and ham), cottage cheese, crisps (5), yoghurt (1), Alpen Light (1/2 hexb2)
S: banana, Alpen Light (1/2 hexb2)
D: turkey, bacon, Philly light (hexa1), mushrooms, mixed veg. Yoghurt (1.5)
S: 2 x Pimms (9) and fruit!

E: 25 mins kettlebells

Quite pleased with today. Didn't mean to have the pimms but my housemate is leaving so felt I had to!

18 syns so luckily I saved some yesterday!
Today's plan...

B: yog, banana, raspberries, Alpen Light (1/2 hexb1)
L: sandwich (bread (hexb2), ham, marmite, salad), crisps (5), banana, Alpen Light (1/2 hexb1)
D: turkey, bacon, Philly (hexa1), mushrooms, mixed veg, Calippo shots (1.5)

Need to get some more nice yoghurts. Running out of food but need to get through my current things before I leave uni!
How are the moving with Dave plans going?
You're very quiet. All ok?
Be nice to have you back and catch up! I've come over and joined the dark side... i.e. Slimming World :p
Ok here I am!

I've put on like 12lb! I know that's awful! Although, once I get started again then hopefully the first bit will drop off.

Just been completely off the rails... Proper binges, meals out, school trip. Very naughty.

Been good today and I think I can get back in the zone. Need to! Was planning on doing kettlebells tonight but I have a horrible cough and even walking home was horrible.

Just planning on red days for a while. Probably the same food every day!

B: muller yog, raspberries, banana and blueberries
L: sandwich (bread (hexb1), cheese (hexa1), ham, salad), wotsits (5), cottage cheese, yoghurt, 2 x cereal bars (hexb2)
S: ham, apple
D: turkey, bacon, Philly (hexa2), mushrooms, mixed veg, Calippo shots (1.5)

So that's 6.5 syns a day hopefully