Hi hon,
Very good question about why people regain weight after reaching goal when everything changes. I myself noticed a big change.. I don't think of food all the time, I don't want to eat it all the time... it tastes differently, I eat more healthily and more concious..
It's weird but I think you do change a lot. You may just have to stay concious of the food till you've gotten rid of all the bad habits.
People say your stomach shrinks, I doubt that's true. You can still eat way too much and the wrong foods, you can still mess up and have a huge binge or whatever. You just have to choose not to let it mess you up (or get back on the wagon if it does happen, we are human!)
I know it may sound weird but food does change and is really.. different after CD. It's so hard to explain and I hope you'll experience what I have in my past 5 days of maintenance (bwhaha, world of knowledge ;'') imagine what great advise I could give after 6!! whole days)
If you still want the monster easter egg, you can have it. But I think you will find it a lot less tasty when you start eating it!