SA's 810 and beyond diary a.k.a My daily kick up my own behind ;-)

Edi, wise words... I will hang onto those! I guess we know it can't be easy but we so want it to be... but facing things the way they are is the only way and we can all do it... with a little help from each other. Thanks again everyone for such an inspiring thread.
Day 19

Feeling ok today. Had two separate comments at work, both of which were exclamations of "you're wasting away!" but meant in a nice way (or if not I'll take 'em as compliments anyway haha).

Thought for the day:

"The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."
Hi Serena great for the compliments and your quote says a lot. Especially in relation to you maintaining and moving up the plans.

Day 20

I have been doing rather a lot of pondering today. Was reading a thread last night about whether or not we would be doomed to be "on a diet" for the rest of our lives in order to maintain our losses. Someone posted something along the lines of "don't worry your tastes and your attitude will have changed once you've reached goal". I've seen others say this before and I thought - well hang on a minute, if that's really the case then why do 95% of those who lose the weight then go on to regain it?? And why do I still want that monster Easter Egg I saw the other day?! Hmmmn.

Losing weight/keeping it off is all about being in the right state of mind...unfortunately it's more usual for me that my mind is in a right state! *sigh*

However I have already proved my own strength by getting this far and I will prove it again by maintaining my achievement and to hell with what anyone else thinks or does as they are not me - so there! :Na_Na_Na_Na:

Thought for the day:

"There is no one giant step that does it. It's a lot of little steps."
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Hi hon,

Very good question about why people regain weight after reaching goal when everything changes. I myself noticed a big change.. I don't think of food all the time, I don't want to eat it all the time... it tastes differently, I eat more healthily and more concious..

It's weird but I think you do change a lot. You may just have to stay concious of the food till you've gotten rid of all the bad habits.

People say your stomach shrinks, I doubt that's true. You can still eat way too much and the wrong foods, you can still mess up and have a huge binge or whatever. You just have to choose not to let it mess you up (or get back on the wagon if it does happen, we are human!)

I know it may sound weird but food does change and is really.. different after CD. It's so hard to explain and I hope you'll experience what I have in my past 5 days of maintenance (bwhaha, world of knowledge ;'') imagine what great advise I could give after 6!! whole days)

If you still want the monster easter egg, you can have it. But I think you will find it a lot less tasty when you start eating it!

Dammit woman can you stop talking sense on my're showing me up again! :D


I'm so sorry for talking sense. I should've never talked sense in your nonsense thread, I'm so, so, deeply sorry. Please forgive me. :cry:
What egg was it? I have my eye (but not my mouth!) on the Wispa one!
It's from Hotel Chocolat and it's mahoosive!! I'm just window shopping at food and that's how it's gonna stay...for the time being at least :) Saw the Wispa one too...dangerous!
I just googled Hotel Chocolat.... my gosh. I want one of those choc eggs with more choc in it.............
There's hotel chocolate shops too.

We have a thorntons cafe close by and I love it. Unfortunately the coffee alone comes to 2 million calories, and you can hardly go there for just a coffee can you?? :D
Someone posted something along the lines of "don't worry your tastes and your attitude will have changed once you've reached goal". I've seen others say this before and I thought - well hang on a minute, if that's really the case then why do 95% of those who lose the weight then go on to regain it??

Indeed. I'm sure that some people might think I can be a tad negative about maintenance. I certainly don't mean to be. Wouldn't change it for love nor money! But I want to be realistic.

I do think that many people have an assumption that the work is in the diet and when at goal, everything will be worked out.

However I have already proved my own strength by getting this far and I will prove it again by maintaining my achievement and to hell with what anyone else thinks or does as they are not me - so there! :Na_Na_Na_Na:

Dead right there :clap:

Only 4lbs to go to goal, OMG you total and utter star, so proud of you my lovely kind lady, ohhhhhhh yeah damn hot too, from what I hear.
Day 21

Lost another 2lbs tonight...yay!

Now moving up to the 1000 calorie step which I'm both happy and anxious about. I've been thinking about it a lot recently because I know I will put on some water weight next week due to the reintroduction of carbs, and although my "logical" head knows it is absolutely nothing to worry about, my "sabotage/fed up with CD/you deserve a treat blahblah" head is trying to mess things up for me. I've therefore written a letter to myself in preparation for this which I will post now so that I can read and reread as required...hopefully I might listen to myself!

Thought for the day:

"Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better."
Letter to self regarding those pesky scales...

Dear Me,

I heard you were feeling a bit fed up because the scales didn’t quite tell you what you wanted to hear, so I thought I would talk some sense into you before you give it all up in disgust.

First thing’s first...did you stick to your eating plan this week? No extras or sneaky ingredient swaps? Because if you cheated then try coming back for tea and sympathy when you’ve done it properly - bah! :copon: Oh you did do it properly? Good girl, I knew you wouldn’t let me down. :D

So here’s the thing...if you stuck to your plan then DO NOT WORRY what the scales don’t need a mechanical object to tell you that you still fit into those new jeans – your jeans tell you that! Those scales are simply a tool to indicate to you and your CDC that you’re generally travelling in the right direction but when it comes down to a lb or two when you’ve stuck to plan then see it for what it is...just an indication.

After all, if you and a 30 stone person could step on some scales on the Moon you’d both weigh in at around 2 ounces - that’s if you hadn’t floated away first! But in reality one of you would be an awful lot larger than the other regardless of the numbers...

Still feeling down huh? Tsk...I’ll put it yet another way for you. You’re only a few lbs away from your ideal weight. Your weigh-in is usually in the evening, fully clothed and several pints of water glugged, right? So go and get weighed tomorrow morning in your undies (not the saggy greying ones – show your CDC you’re a classy bird really) and voila – instant goal! :happy036:

What do you mean that would be cheating yourself and it doesn’t alter the fact that you want to lose a few more lbs to fit into the clothes size you know you’d be happy in?

I hope you are seeing this for the nonsense that it really is. I will repeat it again - if you have stuck to plan you are going in the right direction. Any fluctuation is water weight which has absolutely no impact in the long term unless you choose to use it as an excuse to overeat.

Got it now? Good.

Me xx
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