Well where do I start today!
I woke up this morning and every fibre of my being was in agony.
I had a play around with my dumbells when I got in from work yesterday. Big mistake. I couldn't even move. Legs and arms both killing. Nightmare.
Had work first of all 12-5. That's an ok shift. If you have to do a short shift 12-5 is the best. If you work 5-11 you have to clean down the bar. Which isn't the end of the world but I don't like cleaning haha
I was on floor today running food! I don't mind being on floor as I rack up the activity points. I also get tips. Where as on the bar it's very rare to get a tip!
Admittedly I only got £6 in tips but that's an extra £1.20 an hour if you think about it so not bad considering.
I tend to get tips of at least half the tables I run. Purely because I make out like they're my best friend and have a chat with them!
It's a good system. In the pub I work in you order and pay at the bar before you get your meal so people don't tend to tip. Which is fair enough I don't blame them. I wouldn't either in that situation
Mind you running around after people with my arms and legs not working properly isn't ideal.
Oh we'll I finished work at exactly 5 on the dot. Just before I lost the will to live.
I came home and everyone was eating steak. Which annoyed me cause I thought I didn't have any! But I did it was yummy!!
Me and mum then went to marks and spencer because she had a voucher for her birthday. Literally just walked through the door got in the lift and the lift got stuck!! How!?
Anyway because the life got stuck me and mum got offered some free bits from the cafe. I had a smoothie. Which I didn't like lol and mum had cappuccino we turned down the cake haha
Anyway we proceeded to shop. I like it when it's just me and mum. I didn't buy anything I don't see the point at the moment I plan to be significantly smaller in a few months. Mum got what she went for plus a watch and some new shoes haha.
Anyway we came home had a cup of tea and now here I am

Earnt 11 activity points today and only 300 steps till 12 so I shall do them now and call it 12
Hope everyone has had a good day and you all enjoy your Saturdays.
2 weetabix
Total: 6pp
Graze flapjack (yum)
Poppadum 19g
Total: 9pp
100g cooked weight fillet steak.
90g cooked weight fries
2 slices nume garlic bread
Total: 16pp
Total dailies used today: 31/37
Total weeklies used today: 0/49
Total weeklies used this week: 0/49
Activity points earned today: 12/60
Activity points earned this week: 27/60
Activity points used this week: 0/27