(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
Hey guys!!
I've had an okay day today. Had the doctors at half 10 was out of there within 5 minutes. Just had to get a new repeat prescription.
Our doctors is right by sainsburys. The pharmacy is in the re to so I went in and had a little browse!
When I got n it was way to late to have breakfast so I just had a smoothie I've lolly which was yummy!!!
My mum gets massive bottles of e45 from the doctor because she has eczema, I dropped a bottle of it ad it landed on my little toe! Hands down worst pain ever it bruised instantly its all swollen and gross I thought I was going to cry!
My dad took my brother to watch the cricket. So me and mum had some time to ourselves. We went to tesco asda morrisons bandm
I earned a nice 9 activity points on my little walk around shops!
My entire reason behind wanting to lose weight was because I couldn't find a leather jacket that looked good on me! And I found one today! I didn't buy it because It will be too big in a few weeks but yay me!!
However it weigh day tomorrow and I'm worried I've not lost :/ uh oh
Smoothie lolly
Total: 2pp
3 slices of Weight watchers bread
3 slices of weight watchers cheese
100g Bernard Matthews coronation turkey
Total: 11pp
Mini twister
Ww chocolate bar
Total: 6pp
Ww sausage and mash
Chicken bacon pasta
Total dailies used today: 31/37
Total weeklies used today: 0/49
Total weeklies used this week: 3/49
Activity points earned today: 9/60
Activity points earned this week: 72/60
Activity points used this week: 0/72
Hey Sweetie