Scarlett to target one day at a time

Ah yay for the fake noodles success!

I know the over thinking things all too well!

Well done on another great red day.
Hehe they don't buy it though so they won't know what the hell I'm talking about!
Mum boss has just announced she is coming to see the girls as the end of their swimming lesson today. Great another day of confusion for them! She turned up unannounced at toddler group yesterday and was surprised that they were playing happily but obv as soon as she had gone they were looking for her and getting upset asking why she came home of she had to go back to work again. Really pees me off! Makes me feel like she doesn't trust me and is checking up on me all the time. It's bad enough trying to peel the girls off her in the morning let alone halfway through the day and she genuinely sounds surprised when they are happy when she arrives . So pissed off.

Fingers arms toes and legs crossed that friday brings good news and I can look forwards to leaving this job. Love the girls but I can't deal with mum anymore. Either trust me or don't.
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Hmm well this morning has been very stressful and turned me into a bit of a feck it eating machine. Had porridge for breakfast, then went to swimming.
Mum boss turned up as planned and spent the whole time pointing out what she though the teacher was doing wrong including that she thought they should be in the little paddling area. I did snap a tad and point out that it's impossible to swim in a foot of water. Then she was again saying she couldn't believe how happy they seemed even though she wasn't there and made me feel totally rubbish and untrusted that she expects them to be miserable when they are with me! The woman infuriates me. They are going away for 2 weeks this month so I get a holiday too, hopefully the new job will come through and stuff will be sorted by then so I can give notice when they get home.
I had a cheese salad sandwich for lunch so have had 2 hex bs and a hexa, had a spread of mayo on the sandwich but then while I was waiting for girls lunch to cook I had two crumpets with peanut butter on :( should have not had the sandwich after that but I did! :( was planning a spaghetti bolognese for dinner but already had my healthy extras. Might make it another red day, work out syns on the crumpets mayo and peanut butter and have the bolognese with salad rather than spaghetti tonight. Don't want to throw in the towel the day before weigh in.
I really need to stop the stress= eating unnecessarily lark.
Yeah syns weren't too crazy, try not to let her get to you, she sounds like a nightmare. Although the comment about her being surprised at how happy they were even though she wasn't there sounds more like insecurities to me, more that she's a little upset that they are happy when she's not there rather then that she doesn't think you're any good if that makes sense... but that in itself is horrible, I loved that my little one was happy at nursery when he was younger and when he went to a new one and screamed every time I dropped him off I hated it, I knew he'd be fine as soon as I left but all day I would be worrying that he wasn't happy and wouldn't be happy until one of us picked him up :/

Although you're disappointed crumpets with peanut butter on sound gorgeous, I love peanut butter... had a bagel before my half marathon with peanut butter and jam on.... it was divine hadn't had peanut butter for years before then.
Hello lovely,

Sorry to hear you're having a tough day. I agree with the girls above - I definitely think it's your boss's own issues, rather than her questioning your ability. Presumably she feels guilty for leaving them so much and so feels inadequate as a mother. That's nothing to do with you honey - you do a great job! But if she makes you feel like that, it's definitely time to move on. So fingers and toes crossed for job news soon!

I'd deffo do spaghetti and tomato sauce and make it a green day. Sounds like you need an evening of nice comfort food :) xx
Thanks girls x
have already munched some ham so can't make it green now..
Had a nice afternoon out with the girls but now fallen out with mike :( he knows I've had a stressful day and text asking if minded him playing golf after work with a colleague. If I didn't know better I'd think he was having an affair the amount of golf he has played with colleagues lately so I got stroppy with him and being totally unreasonable said I didn't want him to go. Now he's annoyed with me and I feel like a twat for overreacting. Sorry for the woe is me posts today, hurry up long weekend!
Oh bless you! My other half and I went through a phase of having silly spats like that while I was in my last job, because I bought all my work stress home and spent a lot of time overreacting to really silly things. The poor boy couldn't do a thing right!

He'll simmer down, don't worry. You just need to get home and have a bit of chill time and you'll feel much better, I'm sure xx
Thanks hun, feel bad now and trying to make him go but he won't. Bloody men doing what we ask them to do and not deviating from it! Haha
Need a stiff drink and a long sleep I think

That definitely sounds like a plan!x

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Thanks hun, feel bad now and trying to make him go but he won't. Bloody men doing what we ask them to do and not deviating from it! Haha
Need a stiff drink and a long sleep I think

Bloody men, I was going to say tell him to go & by the time he came back you'd have de-stressed.
To be fair I'd have been asleep by then lol. He did understand but being a good girlfriend and having collected his parcel from next door (a golf club of all things!) I suggested we go to the driving range. Good destresser whacking the crap out of balls and he got a bit of a golf fix so both happy now. Heading home for dinner. Thank god its a 4 day week!
Sorry for self pitying moaning today! Having a yummy bolognese with a nice big salad, no more syns and hope tomorrows weigh in is kind to me! Had a good week this week, within my syns and a couple of red days thrown in. We shall see! X

Good luck for tomorrow lovely. And no apologies ever needed on here - we all need a good moan sometimes xx

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