Ok...the proposal folks!!! Hope I do it justice...it is better to look at the video.
Ok, we were in Turkey for a holiday, but ultimately, Tunc was racing on one of the weekends, so off we went on the Sunday to the race track...BUT, the night beforehand, he was acting really strange. He said he had an errand to go to and left me at home with him mum and dad...which, at the time I wasnt too chuffed about because I had only met them a handful of times and we couldnt talk to each other. So, I was terribly awkward just for the fact he wasnt there to translate!!!!
Anyhow, he came back about an hour later.
So, on the day of the race, he was the usual....not communicative as this is how he was and very focussed, etc. We got to the race track and usually, it was just me and him that went and maybe his cousin...BUT THIS TIME his mum, dad, and sister, with hubby and kids AND some other friends were coming too!
Again, I used to just sit in the garage with all the mechanics, but this time, we were up in the VIP lounge...I still hadnt a clue and was none the wiser to what was going on..
Off he raced, and as usual, I was on pins! I got so nervous....I cant even remember if he won that day, but I think he did actually!
Anyhow, as we were all up in the VIP Lounge, looking down (above his garage) I could hear him revving his engine...the noise is just deafening!!!!!! So, he came out to do his practise lap......but he came out and stopped and looked up at me....again,none the wiser...then I realised....THERE ON THE SIDE OF HIS CAR...he asked me in Turkish and English, would I marry him!!! hahah......well, girls, what could I do....I went red, and just nodded..haahhhah....oh, it was so lovely, and just not expected at all!!!!!!
The laugh of it was (forgot to mention this)! I used to wear this ring on my wedding finger, just a cheap ring, but it disappeared!!!! He hadnt got time to get me a ring and darent even think about buying one without me anyway, that he needed something to put on my finger, so he used my own ring!!! We went to the jeweller the next day

Now, the reason he had disappeared, was he needed to get the stickers made for the side of the car!!!
The night of the race one of the drivers was actually getting married and we attended the wedding in the race track..it was all very surreal..but before it, we had television interviews, etc....as Tunc at the time was known esp in his town and in the motorsport industry!
So, there you have it! Then the wedding was a rush....this was end of Sept when we got engaged, came back to UK beg of October and we were trying to get married in the January! Long story and it just wasnt to be. So, in Nov, my brother who is the minister was coming down to see us....so, after a very annoying phone call re people not managing to come to the wedding in January, I decided to phone the Register office ont he Monday at work (we were originally marrying in a church)....anyway, the woman said that there was a space available on the Saturday and we just needed a special license to get married..so, we went for it!!!!!! It was the weekend my brother was coming down too!
So, Monday, Tunc got a phone call to say go into Stockport and hire your kilt (yes he wore a kilt Mary)!! Best looking Turk in a kilt...luckily I had bought my dress (Purple)!!! a few weeks earlier thinking I was getting married in January. And everything was arranged from there!!!!!! Party at home, so it wasnt too bad!
Gosh, there we go,,,my life story (well with Tunc anyway) in 10 mins!!!!!!
There is a photo on his motorsport website but the photo isnt showing at the minute for some reason..it could be my laptop playing up, not sure....so I will post it from work and it might work!