Day 23
4 turkey rashers
half tomoto
1 x slice WW bread
cottage cheese and salad
venison burger
1 small potato, boiled (Jersey)
I didnt have an awful lot today because I got up a bit later today and then we were out in the allotment till about 4pm!!! Then had lunch, then back out to the other allotment till after didnt want to eat too much.
Guys, I didnt have a good food day last night

Not going to dwell on it, but could have set me back a little, but I decided had to move on! It wasnt as bad as usual, BUT it did take me off the plan....but I got back on again today! So, I may not lose this week but I am going to cut right back this week, so if it looks like I am not eating a lot it is because I would like a lb off at least for this week.
I have done 13500 steps today, 8.5km!!!! WAW!! Been really suffering with pain in my neck and back the past few days which is making me feel miserable and not sleeping so well with it.Tunc gave me a massage last night which helped, but, even with a memory foam bed and pillow I am in agony!!! GRRRR......damn this arthritis!!!
Oh, guys our allotments are looking WONDERFUL...the one that is about 2 miles away is a joy to go to now....5 years we have been working this and only now can we really see the difference....again, must try and get pics on here!!!!! haha......we may have a shed too (should find out tomorrow)!!! And someone gave us a raised bed for the top (we have raised beds in the bottom part)! All looking very good indeed.
Just got roped into organising the pond so I need to find people who want to help with a working party and donate pond plants...yet something else to be involved with!!!!
Ok, think I have waffled enough tonight.....cant go to bed till late as didnt finish eating till 10pm!!!!