♥3 Years Maintaining♥
Snap Jan! I always feel like i look really guilty going through security etc! I wonder what it was that they saw in your case?!!! Strange hey!!! xxx
Get yourself off to bed Iris - that'll knock those picking demons on the head!! Nite nite xxx
PS - I'm not sure they wouldn't have been bothered about the honey at that end - there were big signs about not exporting local produce. But I guess Tunc knows best xx
I have succumbed to temptation and ordered your RC book from Amazonxx
Strange that you were feeling picky last night Iris, hopefully it has passed for you today though.
I dont think I ate enough yesterday Mary to be honest, esp in the evening with just having soup. Soup NEVER fills me up for some reason....but I had another few raisin yoghurts as I went upstairs ;-)! But ok today..I had a sneeky WI, which I wish I hadnt as they havnt moved at all since last Sunday :-( Trying to not think about it as I must have lost inches as I tried a blouse on that I wore last year and it was TOO BIG! I just couldnt wear, my body shape must be changing...
Those security guards in Turkey are really, but one actually was nice to me a couple of years ago, he smiled and said, Why do you always come to Turkey, I replied, I love Turkey, and he smiled and said, you should buy a holiday home - aaaah I wish.
How do I change the title..instead of refeed, to something else??
Maybe we should all post our passport photographs haha.
Go to your first thread, click on edit, go to advanced, then just change the title Iris.
talking about passport photo's when I went to cuba last year, the guard kept looking back at the photo and then me. Because it's an awful photo and I had lost a lot of weight on my face, I think he had trouble determining whether it was me.
Go to your first thread, click on edit, go to advanced, then just change the title Iris.
:8855: Girls! My photo is awful. I have a very very fat face and i have brown hair!! I always worry that they will think its not actually me!
Orrrrrrrrrrr .... go to the main maintenece section and where you post is double click next to the title to the right and change it![]()