Scrumbles' after losing a third of me...

Evening Scrummie! Loving the cooking diary - you make me want to roll my sleeves up in the kitchen !! Xx
Ooh biccies - will wait with interest:)
I await with interest on the iamnotti biscuits, I am moving to owl next week, so I will try them then.
I *think* I got them right! (you're all disappointed, aren't you?:p)

This time I beat the egg white with a hand whisk a) to avoid overdoing it and b) to remind myself why electric whisks were invented(!) and no cocoa nonsense - I have almond extract now :D

They are crunchy on the outside and spongy on the inside, and they taste really nice. The only thing I'm wondering about is whether they're supposed to puff up or spread out at all during baking? Mine came out pretty much the same size and shape they went into the oven - is that right? :confused:

Anyway, I know what I will be having with my cup of tea later...:D
Scrumbles said:
They are crunchy on the outside and spongy on the inside, and they taste really nice. The only thing I'm wondering about is whether they're supposed to puff up or spread out at all during baking? Mine came out pretty much the same size and shape they went into the oven - is that right? :confused:

Anyway, I know what I will be having with my cup of tea later...:D

That sounds exactly right! Yay, I've invented a new variety of biscuit :) :) :)
That sounds exactly right! Yay, I've invented a new variety of biscuit :) :) :)

You have! :D

And you know what, if I'm honest, I can't do without treats. I thought I could, and I tried to do without sweetened stuff in my life for a while, but I can't.

Thus I need to find the least damaging stuff possible that still hits the spot, and you have totally inspired me to try out some low carb baking, something I never did the first time round on Atkins. It's really helping me to stick to the plan (well, close to it!;)), so much so that I'm not even plotting my next diet break, which is a sure sign that I'm not getting bored or fatigued of my current regime.

I owe you a massive thank you, I really do!xxx
Aww bless - you know, for me it comes and goes. Some weeks I don't bake much at all or only bake because I've thought of a recipe idea and want to try it out, but it really is useful knowing I can knock up something that feels naughty in half an hour if I want, but rather than being an Atkins bar, full of polyolys and chemicals, it will be healthy whole foods like almonds and egg or cream cheese, with just a dash of my own sweetener (and hermestas liquid is so good) and maybe some baking powder. Sometimes just knowing I can if I want is enough not to make me 'need' anything.

I do need to get back to recipes for regular meals - but I'm a very simple eater so just meat and veg usually does me, I don't go in much for sauces etc.
hi scrummie,
so can you post the actual cookie recipe as you made it, i have tired looking back for it but i cant find it and i am going to try to make them for my sons lunch box for work, he does eat me out of house and home and so does his brother who my friend once named hungry horrace! he is a muscle bound lump too, tho he is more naturally that way than the youngest, but both are always at the gym and when not at the fridge..
Page 63 in my diary, stubbsey. Not Induction friendly as they contain almonds.

I promise I'll update my recipe section soon - working on a website or blog for them but not all that tech savvy.

Eta: they're not quite cookies - there's a pic with the recipe, but if you look back in my diary I did cookies recently. Preferred these though.
Evening Scrummie! It's just amazing your weight loss while upping carbs and cooking biscuits! You're definitely not carb allergic xx
Morning doesn't look like I am particularly sensitive to carbs, but these are low carb biscuits, so I'm safe with those anyway! :D

My flax meal has arrived :eek:

I have to say, I think it's a bit of an acquired taste - though it's not so much the taste that bothers me as the texture. I made porridge with it, and once suitably sweetened and with a little almond extract added it tasted okay, but the mouth-feel was decidedly slimy, and I found that quite off-putting. I could only eat about a third of it before I started to feel a bit queasy and had to stop.

I think the best bet for me would probably be a mix of oats and flax, maybe 50:50, until I get more used to the texture, then hopefully I can reduce the amount of oats. I'll give it a shot anyway.

My coconut oil has also arrived - I ran out last week - so I'll be trying the cocoa bark today :D Verdict later...
Morning, sorry to hear you don't like the flax, I haven't tried it as porridge but I have heard others making the same comment.
Yes - its odd, I just don't find mine slimy at all but you're not the first person I've heard say it - and I DO find mims made with flax can be slimy on the outside - I always put that down to the egg.

I know someone who mixes almond flour in with the flax as a porridge - maybe that would improve the texture.

Hope the cocoa bark works out for you at least!
Getting hungry with all this biscuit talk. Well done on what sounds like excellent ones Scrummie. x

Thanks Val!

Just made some more for OH (used real sugar, so none for me!:():

Yes - its odd, I just don't find mine slimy at all but you're not the first person I've heard say it - and I DO find mims made with flax can be slimy on the outside - I always put that down to the egg.

I know someone who mixes almond flour in with the flax as a porridge - maybe that would improve the texture.

Hope the cocoa bark works out for you at least!

Oi! I'm not made of almonds, you know :p (although at this rate I will be, literally, lol!)

I've tried the cocoa bark, and it's fine. I used 10g of Green & Blacks cocoa powder and a few drops of orange extract and that was just enough to mask the flavour of the coconut oil (I need to mask it because I'm really not fond of the taste - such a fussy little madam :rolleyes:)

So it's thumbs up for the bark, if not the flax :D
I hate coconut. I mean I haaaaaaate coconut. So far I've used almond (tastes marzipanny and quite posh), mint , and rose (Turkish delight!) to mask the coconut. Today I mixed cream cheese with it instead of cream and I think that helps cover it more, too.