Hey guys,
Been feeling really low these past few days - moody, down, angry, anxious, you name it - then lo and behold, my period arrives a whole flipping week early

That never happens to me - a couple of days, perhaps, but not a whole week. So I don't know what gives. Random occurrence? Dietary tinkering having an effect? Early signs of menopause? Whatever, I ain't happy! Bad enough having it once a month let alone every 3 weeks
Anyway, I've been sticking to plan...well, *my* version of it (hellooooo porridge!

). Tried a peach this morning - de-stoned and peeled it was 90g, so near enough 8g carbs in one hit. I had it with a generous splash of double cream, though, and can't say I've felt any adverse effects. I've no desire to rush out to the kitchen and eat another one (or anything else!) so I guess I'm okay with it.
I have a culinary disaster to report

Tried a carrot cake version of moonlights' almond bread and obviously got it completely wrong 'cos it ended up like a sweet, cinnamon-y carrot omelette, with bits in it, lol. I was trying to adapt a favourite recipe from a muffin book, but was clearly
way off the mark. I ate it anyway, by the way! - bunged cream cheese on it and it tasted sort of okay even if nothing like a cake/muffin! I'll give it another go and if I get it right I'll post the recipe - it does have potential, but that's all at the moment!
OH is still doing his fasting nonsense

and losing nothing, basically because he's being a complete and utter pig on the days he isn't fasting. Honestly, I've never seen him eat so much junk, and I'm sure it's because he feels he needs some kind of "reward" for getting through the fast days

I'll be glad when he gets bored of it and goes back to normal because muggins here is the one who has to do all the planning for these fasts, and trying to squeeze as much food as possible out of 600 calories is doing my head in. I've even had to give up precious fridge space to low-fat foods (the shame!

) and cupboard space for things like Ryvita (bleurgh!)...that's just not on!
Anyway, I'll pop round the diaries and see how everyone's doing over the next couple of days - trying to finish a project at the moment so I'm a bit pushed for time
Hope everyone's well and having a great Atkins-friendly day! xxx