So very proud of all you have achieved, Scrummie - and I think you're spot on to try maintenance and see how you get on xxx
Thanks Susie!
Couldn't have done it without the support from all the lovely people here - this forum is brilliant! :heartpump:
All sounds good to me. I think my personal worry is that I do very well with strict rules so when I'm doing Atkins I just don't cheat ever, but I have to give myself those 3 or 4 times a year to have what I want in order to stick to that. I am either on plan, when I never cheat, or off plan when I am allowed anything I like. That way I never have diet guilt. So my worry with maintenance will be giving up that rigidity and trying to establish a more moderate approach. I might have to take your approach of trying the odd relaxed week once I'm closer to goal - though December should be an indicator of how I'll deal with that, too.
That's been my worry too. Like you, I am very focussed whilst my mind is in diet mode, but what happens when that restraint is removed is another matter!
At the moment I'm still hanging on to the diet mentality: I plan my food the day before, everything is weighed (if I'm at home) and it's all entered in FitDay. I'm taking the approach of keeping carbs between 40-50g per day and letting calories creep up to see where that takes me. I'm allowing myself any of the foods I've had during diet breaks, but they are strictly controlled through the week so that I don't go over my daily carb limit. At the moment I appear to be still losing a little weight, but I'm sure I can put a stop to that, lol!
I was talking about this to my mum the other day, and I agree with her that it comes down to trade-offs. She's been a type 1 diabetic for most of her adult life, and has had to control her carb intake to match with the insulin she injects, so she has to make choices. For example, if she wants a little dessert, she won't have potatoes with her main meal, or if she wants rice with her main meal she won't have dessert. She decides in advance which carbs are worth it and spends her allowance accordingly.
And in essence, that's what I'm doing. Yesterday, I wanted an ice cream (I refuse to live life without ice cream

), so I budgeted for it by sticking to very low carb for the rest of the day; today I want potato and leek soup, so I won't be having anything else particularly carby. At the moment I am of course weighing and tracking so that I know I'm not overshooting my targets, but it could be the pattern by which I can live in the long term without needing to be chained to my kitchen scales.
There will still be a strong element of control and self-denial, but I think that's the way it has to be for me, and probably the majority of people who've ever gained and lost considerable amounts of weight. I'm going to have to be flexible enough to have the occasional blow-out meal that cannot be budgeted for, but those don't come around too often, so hopefully they won't de-rail me for more than a day at a time. Christmas will obviously be my first big test, so I guess we'll see...