Aye...we'll get there, someday
Ketosis doesn't seem to have quite the effect on me that it used to, unfortunately. I could eat tons of legal food at this point and still go back for more. No way I'd lose any weight eating what my body is prompting me to. Guess it wants its fat stores back...
Anyway, on a brighter note, I've returned to my posted weight this morning - 164lbs exactly. So that's 7 days to put a couple of pounds on and 4 days to take it off again...not too bad I suppose. Hoping I'll
maybe get down into the 150's in the next few weeks, but we'll see.
Just remembered that today is my anniversary! - one year exactly since I started my weight loss project. Believe it or not, back then I was actually thinking I'd be at target by now, but I reckoned without the advancing years: the hard fact is that I cannot lose weight in my 40's at the rate I did in previous decades. I'm struggling to lose even a pound a week at this point, and that was never the case in the past, no matter what diet I was doing (they all worked for me, by the way, I just could never maintain!).
Still, I've come a long, long way, and I need to spend a bit of time thinking about that. I find it's all too easy to focus on what I haven't yet achieved rather than give myself credit for what I have.
This time last year I was over 17 stone, and I was falling apart physically. My knees were so bad I could barely climb a flight of stairs, my blood pressure was well above normal, I had terrible acid reflux every night, and I was beginning to wheeze with the slightest amount of exercise (those are just the main problems I remember, but there were probably more!).
Twelve months later, none of those things are an issue: I can run up stairs no bother, my blood pressure is normal, I haven't had to take an indigestion remedy for many months, and my wheezing has long been a thing of the past. Without even doing much exercise beyond a bit of gardening and housework, I'm in
so much better shape now than I was a year ago, it's not even funny.
And okay, so I have some loose skin here and there (helloooo bingo wings) and I still have a couple of spare tyres around my middle, but my God, am I in a better place than I was! I've lost over 5 1/2 stone of life-diminishing blubber, and that has to be worth celebrating even if I'm not where I thought I would be.

for being nearly there!
Onwards and downwards, my friends...