Scrumbles' after losing a third of me...

Yes, enjoy the break if you need it, you know you can get back on track. And fab loss for this week, too!
Thanks, guys!

:eek: Another loss this morning - down to a tad over 163lbs! Wasn't expecting any further movement before my break, so I was very pleasantly surprised. I won't be changing my ticker or sidebar stats, however, as I imagine my weight will be bouncing about quite a bit in the next week while I'm upping my cals and carbs.

What I have done is to get OH to take my 11st 9 progress pic, which I'm about to post alongside my 13st 9 pic from early June *gulp*. I'm very unwilling to have my image on the net, so I've omitted my head (trust me, I'm doing you a favour ;)). I'm also standing at an odd angle to minimise the effect of my scoliosis, but I think (hope!) there's quite a visible difference:

progress 2small.jpg

Still a long way to go, and I don't think my spare tyres are going to go completely, but certainly better than I was. Next pic will be at 10st 7 (next April at the rate I lose!) and I'll decide then whether I need to lose more and if so, how much.

Onwards and downwards...
Wow you look great, next April the skirt will fall off....
Scrummie that skirt looks like a pencil skirt in the first pic and it's hanging off you in the second, what a fantastic change!
Thanks everyone - you're all very kind :eek:

Btw, my arms might not look too bad there, but I have humungous bingo wings if I lift them a couple of inches - need to get going on those weights! :character00116:

I've been sitting in a corner quietly plotting my break and I've decided I'm going to have.....apples! :eek: It occurred to me that I've not eaten an apple for over a year now, and although I'm not a huge apple fan and can't say I've really missed them, I do love Cox's when they're in season, and that happens to be now :D I'll be interested to see how they impact my blood sugar, though I'm going to try to blunt any bad effects by eating a little cheese at the same time - sharp-sweet apple with mature cheddar is one of my favourite taste combinations now I come to think of it. I'm also going to try pears - Comice are in season at the moment and that's my favourite kind...can't wait!

I still haven't decided about alcohol. I've been pretty much teetotal whilst I've been on this diet - I find it's hard enough to lose weight in peri-menopause without giving up precious fat-burning time to alcohol! - and at this point I'm so much out of the habit of drinking, I'm not sure I want to go there. I still have a calorie limit for this week, and I don't know that I want to spend calories on booze when I could be doing more eating (I like eating!). I know I will definitely be drinking at Christmas, so maybe I'll save it till then...make it more special? Dunno...still need to think about that one.

So, I'm starting the break on Saturday to coincide with my shopping arriving. I will of course be tracking everything, because I'm not actually stopping dieting - this is just another phase. It's effectively one week of carb re-feeding to give my body something different to handle and to hopefully boost leptin and thyroid function should they have become depressed (and any kind of reducing diet has a tendency to depress them, unfortunately). I'm hoping that eating at slightly sub-maintenance calories (1700 per day) will mean that I won't gain weight, but I may find a pound or so creeps on by the end of it. We'll see.

Onwards the same, lol!
I think what I miss most on atkins is root veg and fruit.....hopefully I will be able to add them in when I reach goal......keep us posted on your progress.
I know that bingo wings issue - although they just look like big arms if I hold them against my side then when I lift them it looks like a normal, thin arm rising from the deep.

I know a few people who eat 1/4 or 1/2 an apple every few days on the early stages of owl - I can't say I have many sweet cravings or fruit cravings anymore so I wouldn't want to wake them up but I don't think it sounds a bad thing to have, esp with cheese.

Saving the booze for Xmas would be my vote!
yes me too, i don't actually drink much thank goodness, i used to socially but only when i went out, last xmas i had a few at home but its rare, my oh is the drinker in the family and i think it has made me actually drink less!
Just swinging by from Planet Carb! :cool:

Two days done, and I've gained all of 0.4lbs, so once again I don't think this is going to do too much damage to my weight loss. Admittedly I haven't pushed the boat out calorie-wise - averaging just over 1500 per day - but I'm at about 90g a day for carbs which is more than double my usual amount. I decided against having booze, btw...means I get more ice cream *ahem* :eek:

Some observations:

  • I feel pretty good! I always feel a bit dodgy on the first day, but by the second, my body seems to have gotten used to the change and I don't appear to be having cravings or very much in the way of bloating/digestive issues.

  • I don't eat as well as I do on my normal Atkins fare. The more carbs I make room for, the less nutritious my diet tends to become. For example, my original plan for yesterday included only 6g of carbs from foundation veggies out of a total of 90g of carbs! I hastily added a salad to my lunch and dropped an oatcake or two, but that tells me that I'm going to have to be very careful in maintenance that I don't veer away from the healthy carbs too much - easily done, it would seem!

  • I may have an "off" switch. We had Chicken Jalfrezi from Sainsbury's ready meal section last night, and though it was delicious and I'd deliberately kept my eating fairly light through the day to accommodate it, I couldn't finish it and had to leave some :eek: Now, I'm pretty sure Old Scrumbles would have simply blasted through that satiety signal and gone on to eat the lot, followed by dessert(!), but apparently New Scrumbles doesn't feel the need to clean everything off her plate, including the pattern. Hope that continues!

The more times I do this, the more I think that I must have quite specific trigger foods - and situations - that cause me to overeat. This time around I've already had sugary fruit, junk chocolate (Maltesers), ice cream, potatoes and rice, and none of those things sparked irresistible cravings or massive hunger pangs. It makes me think that as long as I stick to my basic Atkins foods for the most part, I will be able to throw in a few "bad" things now and again without problems.

Or am I kidding myself because that's what I want to believe? :( That in spite of 40 years of evidence to the contrary, I can somehow finally behave like a "normal" person around food?

I think new scrumbles will do just fine with maintenance - and you can always build in a plan that if you gain x amount of pounds it's back to a slightly lower carb ratio for a few weeks.

Must say I'm quietly wishing for December and a break but at the same time really want to lose a bit more first. Am 100 percent sure I couldn't eat Malteasers and only gain 0.4lb, too!
I think new scrumbles will do just fine with maintenance - and you can always build in a plan that if you gain x amount of pounds it's back to a slightly lower carb ratio for a few weeks.

Must say I'm quietly wishing for December and a break but at the same time really want to lose a bit more first. Am 100 percent sure I couldn't eat Malteasers and only gain 0.4lb, too!

It was a fun size pack left over from Halloween - there are only 9 sweets in a bag, so I don't think you could gain much from that, surely? (not that I'm encouraging you to eat Maltesers, btw!)

You're losing so well right now I think it's a good call not to disrupt the process. And December will be here before you know it - we're nearly half way through November already! :D

(which reminds me...must start my Crimbo shopping! :eek:)