Scrumpers diary the revenge !!!!

egg lol egg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no no bread except dukan has past my lips !!! i have transit and pmt bloating scales are a big no no lol
lmao its all that bread you been eating love xxxx ;)
You're so right Scrumps. We should all keep off when not feeling slim. Yesterday I was feeling and, dare I say, looking slim. Today, after another +600g post smoked salmon salad tea, I feel fat and have avoided mirrors!

It's so all in the head! Dunno whether I'll weigh in tomorrow... scared now after this morning!
No i disagree i think you should still weigh. i do even when i know i have gained. otherwise you are just hiding the truth.
but how is +600g after dinner of smoked salmon eaten at 9pm cos stuck at garage until late the truth? it's all H20! (it'd better be!)
there have been times ive wanted to wi on a thursday cos its a better loss than a friday but no ive stuck to the weight on a friday. Jo that will be off by tomorrow. am i a spoilsport LOL x
lol what are we like !!!!!!!!!!!

im off to bed now to drink litres of water and pray
not expecting a good one ....seems to be a two week loss two week sts or gain very odd but my body obviously likes to keep hold of the weight during totm
I'm smiling! Proof that those scales really do mess with our minds!
im in bed and im staying here lol!!!!!!!!!!!!

well done Jo hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Eugh - that's enough to make anyone get up! My lie ins this week have been ruined by the ruddy cats - if they have been let out of the kitchen by DH they can now open by bedroom door and insist on playing on the bed! If I lock the door they scratch at the door and the carpet. Naughty pusses - good job I love them!
lol this is my last lie in till easter so making the most of it !!!!!!!!!!!!

ok so........... STS relieved as my stomach is so bloated ...totm has arrived proper too so next week could be good !!!!
I have the walk next saturday night so will weigh in friday and if i dont behave i have the week after to sort it

right food today

B 1/2 slice dukan toast more now back to galettes
L roast beef salad
d roast chicken cabbage or sprouts
need to have 1 spoon oatbran so may make some tiny dropscones with it later .
well done for sts love - see it wasnt all bad!

aw Kim i love your egg ticker love x