Day 4 - part 2 - was my first big challenge - I was actually having the first strong hunger pangs and really felt I needed more calories. So, I had an extra soup. I think it was psychological though as my OH was out at Chelt races and I had the 2 kiddies to deal with on my own - I prefer the assistance of husband during witching hour but hey - my uncomfortableness (that's not a word is is it?)... my discomfort was rising as I knew my OH would come back after a day of drinking with the lads (oh I was jealous!) and do my head in with his chirpy, slurring OTT love declarations! To add to my challenge he arrives home saying he bought me a doner kebab cos he loves me! I politely declined and had chose to have a protein bar. It was hard.... but I did it. He ended up trying to eat his pizza and the kebab dripping in fat! I found the kebab in the fridge this morning and it was so nice to see it looking absolutely minging.