Hi Ladies
I've had a strange few weeks whereby I've been so busy I've not had time to log on but i've happily sailed along doing my flexible masterplan.
My days have mainly been starting with a shake or two and eating high protein food in the afternoon / evening with the occasional planned days off.
I have had a couple of dips but my binge issues have definitely reduced which is great as my ultimate goal along with weight loss is to eliminate the need to binge eat.
I still have no idea what I weigh! I nearly caved last week and asked but CDC reminded me that I had said to her at the beginning not to tell me until my clothes are loose enough. My trousers are not officially loose enough so I'm going for it for the next few weeks and may find out in approx 2 - 3 weeks. I have only dropped one dress size but by doing this slowly the plan is to fix my metabolism and not regain all the losses. As my hypno lady said - it has taken years to become this way and it isn't something that is fixed overnight (my mental emotional overeating subconsious rambling part of the brain - that is!)
I will try to get on minimins more often now as not logging on has made a difference to my motivation - I have changed roles at work and my shift pattern is simple 3 day shifts a week now which I think will make a big difference to my planning. So, here I go again...
Tday I've had a shake for brekkie and a shake for lunch... plenty of hot drinks to fill me up as hunger is hitting me following a planned weekend off as myself and OH went away to Southampton for a birthday weekend partying.
Hope all you ladies / gents are doing well - i'm off to read all your diaries now...