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Hey honeyoc,

that looks like a very colourful shop, some great goodies in there. I love love LOVE plum tomatoes, they do them here in huge supplies and they are always lovely and red and ripe. Delicious sliced in a sandwich or lovely on toast grilled with some mozzarella. YUM!!
My shop... although i'll prob go again at least 3 times this week!!!!
Red onions

Nimble whole meal bread
Store Cupboard
baked beans
tinned tomatoes
Fat free yoghurt
virtually fat free cottage cheese x 2
cathedral city lighter cheese
purple top milk
extra lean mince (for burgers)
Quorn mince (for spag bol)
corn on the cob

Alpen lights
I wanna take pics of my shopping but my kitchen is so tiny I can't have it laid out all purty :cry:
No shop for me this week, as we still have tons of meat and fish in the freezer and a pile of fruit left to get through.

Veg wise then we still have a couple of bits left but am heading to spend the weekend with my parents and they have a huge veggie garden, so plan on raiding that and the stuff they have already put in their freezer!

Our normal Tesco delivery consists of fruit, veg, fat free yogurt and fromage frais, Muller Lights, couple of bottles of wine and extra lean beef mince. The rest of my meat and fish I get at Makro when I do a shop every couple of months or so.
I wanna take pics of my shopping but my kitchen is so tiny I can't have it laid out all purty :cry:

It doesn't have to look purty NumNum! Just pile it up on the floor and get snappin :hug99:
my shop this week:

spring oinion
red onion
coriander (to make my salads more interesting)

store cupboard
pudding rice (to make SW rice pudding)
alpen bars (on offer at Tescos 3 for 2!)
baked beans
tinned tomatoes
options (on offer tescos and sainsburys)

bgty fromage frais
quark x 2

quorn pieces
quorn mince
(frozen quorn on 3 for £5 at tescos)
frozen peppers
frozen corn on the cob
Just placed an order with Ocado to be delivered to my new house on Sunday night after we have moved in so very excited he he :D Hopefully my new kitchen will be kept nice and clean and tidy so I will be able to take pics too ;)

1 24 Wholewheat Biscuits essential Waitrose £1.49
1 Andrex Natural Pebble Toilet Tissue £3.75
1 Andrex White Toilet Tissue £3.75
1 Apples Granny Smith essential Waitrose £1.89
1 Aquafresh Fresh'N'Minty Toothpaste £1.00
1 Balsamic Onions Waitrose £1.75
1 Biscuits Nice essential Waitrose £0.46
1 Bourbon Biscuits essential Waitrose £0.45
1 Cantaloupe Melon Waitrose £1.60
1 Carrots essential Waitrose £0.99
1 Caxton 6 Pink 'N' White Jammies £0.59
1 Courgettes Waitrose £1.59
1 Digestive Biscuits essential Waitrose £0.71
1 Dina Bread Mediterranean Tannour Wraps £0.49
1 Essential Biscuits Ginger Nuts Waitrose £0.59
1 Fairtrade Home Ripening Bananas essentials Waitrose £1.39
1 Filippo Berio Hot Chilli Pesto £1.99
1 Finish All in 1 Dishwasher Powerball Regular Tablets £3.82
1 Galia Melon essential Waitrose £1.40
2 Heinz Baked Beans 6 Pack £5.00
2 Honey Nut Corn Flakes essential Waitrose £2.00
1 John West No Drain Tuna Chunks in Brine £3.59
3 Kingsmill 50/50 Medium £3.30
1 Malted Milk Biscuits Waitrose £0.65
1 McVities Fruit Wholecake £0.54
1 McVities Mini Croissants - Chocolate £0.50
1 Mini Cheddars Bite Size £1.00
1 Mixed Peppers essential Waitrose £1.65
1 Natural Still Mineral Water essential Waitrose £1.40
2 Ocado Baking Potatoes £1.38
1 Ocado Onions £1.10
1 Ocado Potatoes £1.29
1 Orange Tropical Double Strength Squash Essential Waitrose £0.95
1 Organic Whole Grain Rice Waitrose Love Life £1.59
1 Osem Bissli Onion Flavour £0.67
1 Pickled Baby Beetroot essential Waitrose £0.79
1 Pogen Golden Krisprolls £0.89
1 Power Kitchen Cleaner essential Waitrose £0.60
1 Rich Tea Biscuits essential Waitrose £0.31
1 Sliced Pickled Beetroot essential Waitrose £0.77
1 Squares Variety £2.00
1 Summer Fruits Squash Essential Waitrose £0.95
1 Thirst Pockets White Kitchen Towels £1.23
1 Tomatoes essential Waitrose £1.00
2 Trifle Sponges Waitrose £0.79
1 Walkers French Fries £2.00
1 Wholesome Brown Basmati & Wild Rice Waitrose Love Life £1.99
1 Wholesome Organic Couscous Waitrose £0.49
1 Wholewheat Penne Waitrose £1.09

1 8 British Pork Sausages essential Waitrose £0.97
1 8 Smoked British Bacon Back Rashers essential Waitrose £2.49
1 Broccoli essential Waitrose £1.29
1 Cherry Tomatoes essential Waitrose £1.79
2 Country Life Organic Semi Skimmed British Milk £3.00
1 Curly Lettuce essential Waitrose £0.75
1 Essential Chops & Cutlets Waitrose £5.59
1 Low Fat West Country Natural Cottage Cheese essential Waitrose £1.53
1 LowLow Mature Cheddar Spread £1.29
1 Mature Cheddar essential Waitrose £4.25
1 Mixed Salad essential 100g Waitrose £0.99
1 Muller Light Big Pot Vanilla Fat Free Yogurt £1.00
2 Muller Light Cherry Yogurt £1.00
3 Muller Light Smooth Banana & Custard Yogurt £1.50
1 Muller Light Smooth Vanilla Yogurt £0.50
1 Mushrooms essential Waitrose £1.49
1 Natural Fat Free Fromage Frais Waitrose £1.19
1 Ocado Red Onions £1.20
1 Ocado Seasonal Apple Bag £1.29
1 Satsumas essential Waitrose £1.99
1 Skimmed Milk 1 Pint essential Waitrose £0.49
1 Thin & Crispy Cheese & Tomato Pizza Waitrose £0.99
1 UK Cucumber essential Waitrose £0.80

2 Berries essential Waitrose £4.00
4 Birds Eye Chicken Burgers 4 per pack £4.00
1 Frozen Garlic Baguettes Twinpack Waitrose £1.09
1 Frozen Waitrose 4 British Breaded Chicken Breast Steaks essential £2.35
Going shopping later on today, I shall endeavor to photograph it this time if my teeny tiny kitchen will allow :)
Woo, pics, how excited am I ... more to the point how sad am I?!


Pic 1 is all the loverly fruit n veg (minus birdseye veg steam bags)
Pic 2 is my dairy
Pic 3 my meat
Pic 4 store cupboard goodies

I couldn't find mung beans or plantain :cry: I'm going to have to go on a hunt over the weekend for them!!!!


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I just put an order in last night for the first time on

What I ordered is for 2 weeks for 2 adults. Not all of it is healthy but it's for the OH! Honest.

1 x Crucials Thai Style Sweet Chilli Sauce 500ml = £1.00
1 x Crucials Garlic Mayo 500ml = £1.00
1 x Wye Valley Grated White Cheddar Cheese 200g = £1.00
1 x Semi Skimmed Milk 2 Litre = £1.00
1 x Mushrooms - Cup 250g = £0.50
4 x Onions - English (Loose) = £0.32
1 x Eggs - Medium 6 Pack = £0.50
5 x Sweetcorn = £1.25
10 x Apricots (Loose) = £1.10
20 x Discovery Apples = £1.20
6 x Greengages = £0.42
1 x Melons - Galia = £0.59
1 x Lettuce - Round = £0.39
10 x Tomatoes Loose Class 1 = £1.20
1 x Potatoes - Reds Pre Packed 5LB (2.27KG) = £1.00
7 x Carrots - Best (Loose) = £0.42
5 x Oranges - Medium = £1.25
1 x Strawberries 450g = £0.99
10 x Nectarines = £1.20
1 x Seedless Grapes - White 500g = £1.10
3 x Alb Gold Gingerbread Egg Pasta 250g = £1.17
1 x Sita Spices Tarragon 10g = £0.59
5 x Snack A Jacks Hot Tomato 26g = £1.25
1 x Walkers Toffee Real Liquorice 50g = £0.29
1 x Walkers Toffee Brazil Nut 50g = £0.29
1 x Walkers Toffee Black Treacle 50g = £0.29
1 x Walkers Toffee Banana Split Eclair 50g = £0.29
1 x Hak Raspberries 200g = £0.39
2 x Hak Blueberries 200g = £0.78
4 x Mars 51g (5000159407236) = £1.16
4 x Kit Kat Caramel 42g (3800020411186) = £1.16
1 x Match Chocolate Spread Blanc 225g = £0.59

It came to £29.13 including delivery.

Looks lovely NumNum!!! Are those velvet crunch crisps good? I always wondered what they were.
I was dubious at first honey but they are SOOOOO tasty. Bursting with flavour as the ads would say :giggle: I have well and truly been converted. The texture is lovely too. Some rice cakes have hard bits in them and go a bit stale ... although I know these aren't rice cakes (they look like them). These are really smooth and well velvety lol. I highly recommend them and at 4 syns they're great if you're after a savoury crunch!
Sharloid said:
I just put an order in last night for the first time on

What I ordered is for 2 weeks for 2 adults. Not all of it is healthy but it's for the OH! Honest.

1 x Crucials Thai Style Sweet Chilli Sauce 500ml = £1.00
1 x Crucials Garlic Mayo 500ml = £1.00
1 x Wye Valley Grated White Cheddar Cheese 200g = £1.00
1 x Semi Skimmed Milk 2 Litre = £1.00
1 x Mushrooms - Cup 250g = £0.50
4 x Onions - English (Loose) = £0.32
1 x Eggs - Medium 6 Pack = £0.50
5 x Sweetcorn = £1.25
10 x Apricots (Loose) = £1.10
20 x Discovery Apples = £1.20
6 x Greengages = £0.42
1 x Melons - Galia = £0.59
1 x Lettuce - Round = £0.39
10 x Tomatoes Loose Class 1 = £1.20
1 x Potatoes - Reds Pre Packed 5LB (2.27KG) = £1.00
7 x Carrots - Best (Loose) = £0.42
5 x Oranges - Medium = £1.25
1 x Strawberries 450g = £0.99
10 x Nectarines = £1.20
1 x Seedless Grapes - White 500g = £1.10
3 x Alb Gold Gingerbread Egg Pasta 250g = £1.17
1 x Sita Spices Tarragon 10g = £0.59
5 x Snack A Jacks Hot Tomato 26g = £1.25
1 x Walkers Toffee Real Liquorice 50g = £0.29
1 x Walkers Toffee Brazil Nut 50g = £0.29
1 x Walkers Toffee Black Treacle 50g = £0.29
1 x Walkers Toffee Banana Split Eclair 50g = £0.29
1 x Hak Raspberries 200g = £0.39
2 x Hak Blueberries 200g = £0.78
4 x Mars 51g (5000159407236) = £1.16
4 x Kit Kat Caramel 42g (3800020411186) = £1.16
1 x Match Chocolate Spread Blanc 225g = £0.59

It came to £29.13 including delivery.


What is rosspa? X

3 x lean mince beef

Mix berry fruits
2spring onion
2baby sweetcorn
2sugar snap peas
2mini red wine
24 coconut mullers :0
Small warburtons wholemeal loaf
2 basic smash
Turkey slices
Bisto granules
Woo, pics, how excited am I ... more to the point how sad am I?!


Pic 1 is all the loverly fruit n veg (minus birdseye veg steam bags)
Pic 2 is my dairy
Pic 3 my meat
Pic 4 store cupboard goodies

I couldn't find mung beans or plantain :cry: I'm going to have to go on a hunt over the weekend for them!!!!

Love the pics! Can't wait to take mine but hope hubby's not looking when I do cos he thinks I am barmy enough taking pics of my meals! That thick cut bacon looks lovely! mmmm
*Emsie* said:
Love the pics! Can't wait to take mine but hope hubby's not looking when I do cos he thinks I am barmy enough taking pics of my meals! That thick cut bacon looks lovely! mmmm

LOL! Mine knew I was mental when he married me :D
Love the pics! Can't wait to take mine but hope hubby's not looking when I do cos he thinks I am barmy enough taking pics of my meals! That thick cut bacon looks lovely! mmmm

Mine leaves me to get on with it ... he knows better than to mock me :giggle:
Shopping time!!

Veggies from Abel & Cole

White onion, fennel, marrow, celery, mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, watercress, beetroot, runner beans, potatoes, carrots

Waitrose stuff

Strawberries, bananas, peaches, jazz apples, vine tomatoes, baby plum tomatoes, crunchy salad bag (how disappointingly tiny!), blueberries, grapes, sage, rosemary


Trimmed rack of lamb (got these because the racks of lamb we got at Costco were too fatty for me but it turns out that these "extra trimmed ones" need more trimming humpf!), pulled ham hock (free!!), chorizo (2.5 syns per 1oz)

Had to do a fair bit of trimming myself, it's better now :D

My usual dairy products. Those 0% Greek yogurts with the fruit corners are delicious!

Store cupboard stuff. LOVING crunchy bran :D also got some giant wholewheat couscous to try. I usually get the porridge oats with added wheatbran so I don't have to bother with scan bran but DH prefers regular rolled oats so it's mostly for him. I have a pack of my sort still.