Shelbell's Baby Diary

He was 37 weeks so not prem, induced due to pre-eclampsia and too much liquor. He had probs at birth yes and now has SEN which could be related but who knows.

Yep if need be I'll be given steroids to mature the lungs etc.
ah sorry, got it mixed up a little! ((Hugs))

Fingers x'd this all blows over with results coming back clear. x
Oh Shel! God it must be tough for you... so thinking of you. May not be much consolation, but I was born at 31 and a half weeks back in the dark ages (1971) and apart from needing to be in an incubator a month and a blood transfusion, my prem birth turned out okay.

Anyway, thinking of you.
Hi Shell big hugs to you hope you are taking it easy, my son was born at 34 weeks but had stopped growing before then. He was only ONE pound and 15 ounces( yes you all read it correctly). he was fine at birth but spent six weeks in scbu. He is 18 next month !!!!!. Hope this helps in some way xxx
Midwife today went ok, he's still breech so time for some turning exercises! If you want me, I shall mostly be on my hands and knees for the next few days! Try and get him to turn before next Wednesday's scan.
lol at the hands and knees! lol still early for turning mind - I felt my baby turn last night felt really freaky!
he's a halloween baby in this week's piccy, looks like he's got a sheet over his head as a ghost costume! being given lots of advice on turning on FB at the moment lol, my favourite so far being aromatherapy :)
what about birthing balls are they any good on pain or turning?
I've heard walking upstairs side ways (like a crab) is good for opening up the pelvis.. maybe baby would get the hint?
birthing balls are good for pelvic pain aye, all my exercises are ball based! Apparantly they are good for turning too, so trying to get hubbs to finish inflating mine. He's trying to find an electric pump that fits as he's worn out using the hand pump!
ahh there we are my old grey matter had retained something! lol
I haven't bought one yet but am planning one soon. :) I get uncomfy sitting sometimes these days. Though DH said it'll be a source of amusment for the rest of the family watching me try to sit on it without falling off.. I said he should sit on it.. after a few beers.. THAT would be a source of entertainment! :p
Hiya Shel, just been reading your diary to update myself on your progress, fingers crossed everything goes OK for you hun. Also, ya know those birthing balls, do ya reckon a space hopper would do? Could be fun as well as practical bouncing around lol! :D xxx
I reckon handles on a hopper would be useful!

If you're tall like me, argos do a 75cm one for about £15. I'm long legged so need a big one to keep my knees below my pelvis!
I'm a short arse lol! Only 5ft. :D
Well that's it, I'm officially signed off for 2 weeks :) Just have an important report to finish over the weekend and I'm done. Have worked today to tie up all the loose ends so I can turn off my work mobile and relax for the next few weeks. Doc offered to sign me off for 2 months to take me up to my due date bless him :)

Feeling so relieved! Will get the report done tomorrow or tonight so it's all done.
like abz said you look after yourself now and if you need it take more time anything to get you back on your feet =)
That's fantastic and really hope you are able to relax and not be bored! lol ((hugs))
Well, feeling pretty cruddy now. Don't know if it's cause I know I don't have to put an act on for work any more or if it's just the lupus building up but this weekend I haven't half gone down hill. Nipped into sainsburys after going to the hospital for my jab and was done in after a tiny shop, and have that horrid chronic fatigue feeling that is impossible to shift. All food is making me feel sick, and hubby is packing me off to bed dosed up with calpol to try and shift this headache. Feeling really really fed up and can't wait for wednesdays appointment with my obstetrician to beg her to book me in as I don't think I can cope for another 8 weeks like this.
Shel I hope the rest does you good, but I can't say I blame you for asking obs for booking appointment at least you'll have a date then to aim toward other than 8 weeks. ((hugs)) You've been through the mill and i can totally understand the fact that your body likely is letting you know now is the time to relax.
wish I could do more shel, but it'll be worth it in the end I'm sure x x