Shelbell's Baby Diary

woo hoo for hubby power =)
brilliant news! :) not long left at all and you'll know your date!! :D
Hi Shell, my pregnancy wasn't planned and can relate to how you are feeling. I even had second thoughts about going ahead with the pregnancy up until 16 weeks. I was convinced there was going to be something seriously wrong with the baby so don't think I allowed myself to bond with it whilst I was pregnant. But I can honestly say the second she was placed on me my love for her was instant. I know not everyone is the same, but just wanted to share my experience with you and that it's normal to feel anxious about things.

Take care x
Thanks Lisa, that helps :)

Looks like my BP is starting to creep up. I'm odds on for pre-ecampsia, as I've had it before but changed partner, and have hughes syndrome. Have had protein in my samples for the last few weeks, and BP has gone up from around 90/55 for first 7 months of pregnancy to today 122/73. At the 32 week appointment it was about 117/70 so it's not just a one off. I know it's still normal but for me it's going up. Anywho, have to keep an eye one it as have had a lot of headaches over the last few weeks and my cheeks feel puffy. It kicked in at 35 weeks with my son and I was hospitalised till I was induced at 37 weeks.
Shell, hope it's not a repeat for you, but if it is that they get baby out sooner rather than later as I know how much you've gone through so far. ((Hugs))
Also hope you know we are all rooting for you if anything happens and you go in ((hugs))
Its pretty much bound to happen at some point and as I've been through it before I'm not too bothered by it all :) Have just been putting make up on for the first time in months lol and my face is definately puffy. Off to the last session of our antenatal class this afternoon then up to Blackpool for a birthday party :) Catch you all tomorrow!
Have a lovely time! Hope the antenatal goes well and you enjoy the party! :D
That's 20 above your booking now isn't it? Fingers crossed it doesn't get too much higher, did they medicate you during your last pg? Key thing is they're aware of it to be on top of it! You're 34 weeks now - well out of any problem zone!! I mentally relaxed at 34 weeks with jocelyn saying Any time you're ready from now is good by me!!

Hope you enjoy the party, take it easy..
Nope I wasn't medicated in the last one, just hospitalised as soon as it started to go up. It was more complicated then though as I always had 3-4 + of protein in my urine as standard so they could only go from my BP. Since my surgery I don't have protein as standard any more which is hopefully making it easier to spot the signs :)

Well yesterday was a bit much. We left for Blackpool and got stuck on the M6 for 3 hours (it's about 1 1/4 hours normally). Made it up there in time, but bean had decided to shove a foot out to the side of me for the last hour and I was very uncomfortable. I managed to last at the party for about 2 hours before I had had enough, so we left for the b&b. Couldn't find anywhere to park, so grabbed our bags and drove home! Of course, hubby had been drinking so I was driving. Got home around midnight, tired grumpy and sore. Glad to be home though.
oh honey. sounds like you had a right time of it. bet you were glad to get into your own bed though!!

abz xx
omg I bet you were glad to get hom ebet you were exhausted ,hope the bp stays as it is for you but alt least they are keeping an eye onyou just in case x
That sounds exhausting. Poor you.

Hope you've made up for it by having a relaxing day today

Morning all :)

Had a day of rest yesterday and feel much better today. Off for my jab shortly so will get my BP done, and then its Aquanatal with some of the mums from my NCT classes :) My son is at holiday club this week, which seems frivolous when I'm signed off work, but I don't think I could manage to entertain a SEN 8 year old all week at the moment! He loves it there and goes swimming every day and does lots of sporty stuff so it's good for him too.

My scales are being mean this week. Over the last 3 weeks I've gained 5lbs :eek: which yes is a good things etc etc but it's still scary to see! I've still 5lbs down over the whole pregnancy, and I know some of this is water retention, and I know I have to gain weight at some point, just got to get my head around it lol.
Really enjoyed aquanatal, well I really enjoyed the coffee and cakes afterwards! ;) The one I go to is run by a qualified midwife which is reassuring. There were only 6 of us there with it being half term so a nice easy one to start with. Pooped now though!

BP is up a bit more. The nurse at my GPs is going to check it every time I go. Got the BP headache again today too. Can see an admittal to antenatal ward coming up soon!
Hi Shell, congrats on 34 weeks! :)
And glad your aquanatal went well - hope you managed to relax for a while after and your headache passes. ((Hugs)) likely all that exercise pushed up your BP a tad too.
Glad you enjoyed aquanatal!!

Keeping everything crossed your bp settles again - REST!! Hope it's good news next time it's checked.. xx
Am resting for England lol. I don't think it will settle, its been slowly climbing for a while now. With my health problems and history pre-eclampsia is pretty much inevitable!

I'm concerned that if they do what they did last time and admit me for Pre-E, but then wait 2 weeks to induce me then I will be putting bean at risk. The risks of the placenta not working properly and causing a less stable oxygen supply concern me.
They would tread very cautiously - certainly at our hospital you'd be given lots of extra scans to check how the placenta was working and whether the baby was getting a good blood flow, if that wasn't the case then absolutely you'd be sectioned (or if your bp was putting you at strong risk of developing eclampsia) but they'll look after you sweets!

Must be a huge worry for you, it's hard when you know something is inevitable in a way but you've done really well to get to 34 weeks - your baby would just need to feed and grow if born now, you've done all the hard bit!

Take care xx
With my son they didn't do any extra scans once I'd been admitted, but 8 years ago and different hospital. I just freak out about anything to do with oxygen supply cos of his SEN.