Thanks M
14 days to gooooooooo!
Well today should be Aquanatal and coffee with the ladies, but as I am taking one of them round Costco afterwards I've decided to skip the exercise and start with the cake

Aquanatal and trekking round costco would be way too much for me right now, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
Had a wierd old night last night. Was trying to get to sleep and suddenly came over all hot and nauseous. Felt a bit like a hypo blood sugar drop, but I couldn't be bothered to get up and have something to eat, so just made hubby open both the windows and went to sleep eventually. I'd already turned the heating off earlier in the evening, so when I woke up this morning it was FREEEEZZZING. Lesson learnt, keep a snack by the side of the bed!
So just 2 weeks to go till Induction Day, I've been trying all the tricks to convince him to come before then, as I would quite like to go naturally. Had Lamb Rogan Josh for dinner last night, which was horrid, and didn't result in instant labour

Have an extra hot tikka for tonight

Can't face any more pineapple, and have been popping the RLT capsules like a demented 80's raver in an E factory. Daft thing is I know he'll come when he's ready and not a moment before.
Hope everyone's well,
Shel x