Says it as it is!!!
always the way! My eldest is hard work at the min..he's very stressed about all the changes that are happening (he moves to high school this year!) So home is chaos!!! He's 11 (feel sorry for him really..because he isn't outwardly disabled people don't expect him to have such little understanding ...which can lead to tricky situationsHmmmm, I get the one about doing it alone sometimes being easier.....My Hubby (Kevin The Teenager..bless him) is my most difficult child, followed by my daughter and my son is the easiest in some aspects, he is happy with the simplest of things in life, whereas my 3 years going on 33 daughter is well aware of the stock market and what money can buy!!! (typical girl!)...
My boy is nearly six, bit like having an eternal baby, he finger feeds and uses a baby bottle at night, and wears nappies as he is unable to communicate that he's number two'ed! And he doesn't sleep very much!
But he is really lovely and is a sunny little character with a huge smile and lots of affection for me and his family! Love him sooooo much!
And my Daughter too, she is a madam but fab and gawjuss!
How old is your boy?
My youngest is 5 and is the best paddy thrower in the world (it makes me laugh) he sounds like a little chinese man and goes bright red. He copies alot of the eldest but thats just his age ...very cute